yo hello, so recently finally someone did a video talking about one of my animations and then that video got 28k of views and my videos got about some k's of views as well and then one of my brazilian friends did say "yo miami, why don't you try to get youtube monetization?" i was almost sure i couldn't get it but i decided to try anyway and guess what, it worked!
maybe that's a good opportunity for one of you gringos do a "BIZARRE BRAZILIAN ANIME DON'T WATCH THAT STUFF" video or something, maybe youtube algorithm will be kind with you too
now you can be an official eofs sponsor, the cheapest option was R$1,99 ($1 = >R$5, so if you become a miami sponsor brazil will be owing you money! it's basic math since R$1,99 = <$1)
also thank you guys for the 800 fans, but those fans that did complete 800 were brazilian people that don't use their ng account too much, probably were looking for uncensored eofs
for those that didn't watch yet that's the animation that did give eofs some highlight:
yo, hello, so i did release the newest old eofs ep, new old because it's new for you guys, but old for me, since i did it back in late 2019 early 2020, decided to finish and release it so it won't take so long between one eofs ep and another (last one was 5 months ago)
Here is the new old ep:
but i don't recommend it that much, it's more if you're an eofs veteran, if you're new to eofs watch this one that is better instead:
i was going to make this newspost earlier but i have been busy as shix today, i'm making it now at the pizza parlor
yo, hello, so i was watching hentai then noticed mostly of them hentais sex animations are a looped animation then the cam moving, then i thought "there must be a way to do that in flash cs3", then i did google and found "vcam plugin", then installed it and ting then made a test animation to see how it works, and guess what, it worked fine just like the hentais, but there was a little problem, when exporting png sequence (animator ting) the vcam effect was not there, just the normal cave man animation. Then i did search a little bit more and found out newgrounds has that "Swivel" software that converts swf into mp4 in a very efficent and simple way, now i love newgrounds even more
Before that i made the cam effects with brute force, every frame manually lol, by which made me avoid cam effects the max i could, now eofs can have fancy cam effects, once again thanks newgrounds, love you forever
yo, so as some of you guys know i don't celebrate such things as new year, xmas, birthdays, mother's day, etc, etc
but since many people are making posts like this i decided to do a quick one too
some of my friends did invite me to drink, eat, etc on those holydays, i tried to avoid the max i can, specially today and xmas, but i went to some, did drink and eat a lot
me and a crackhead, looking like a kid happy taking a picture in disneyland with a guy dressed like mickey mouse. We were at the pizza parlor, drinking (a lot of) some beer during the last day of the pizza parlor 2024. I'm the one with the yellow shorts.
this guy is funny as shit and a nice person when not too high lol
I would like to make a special mention to @ShadenLines, @KhaosKitsune617 and @jthrash, the ones that did interact with me the most this year here at newgrounds, even though i have not been that much active here this year. I love you all so much
A special mention too to @Doggonnys, @NurmGuts, @DorkGamer, @CreamyLiquid764 (it's been so long he have not been here at ng), @Volpon (i will never forget you as one of the first guys to give a positive feedback for EOFS), @SerebetGM, @Finasty and others i don't want to bother them by pinging here. It's been sometime we have not interacted that much, i have not been so active here at ng nor at discord, but i love you all, you all have a special place in my heart
I would like to thank you all for the positive feedback on the EOFS - Super Pitoca ep
I would wish a happy new year and a merry 2025, but like i said i don't celebrate such things, and 2025 probably will be a hard year, but let's have faith and hope for the best (and do our best), anyway wish you all the best, God bless you all, hails from brazil
i think it was the only pic i took of myself in 2024, the other ones were took by other people during those end of the year holydays
well, just an hypothetical live action i did based on a post a friend of mine did on facebook with his ocs and some actors for an hypothetical live action, so i decided to post it here too
(this one only some brazilians will get lol)
this one cuz i thought flatulette and ewa sonnet did kinda rhyme
it was a little bit hard for me to remember the name of those women, i'm now way far from porn from i used to be, this gianna michales i did a porridge to her about 10+ years ago
so a friend of mine did show me this awesome animation:
and that's carcass like animation, awesome. But the carcass like animation is not the main key factor, i think the main key factor is that it's a parody of a well known show. Just making this newpost in order to archive it as note to myself, parodying pop stuff is on my plans (as well doing shorter animations)
yo hello, so i was thinking of ways to advertise eofs here at the santos city, so i had this idea of printing those "business card",
"so miami, you're going to pollute the santos city with that?", no, relax, i ain't, miami is a friend of the environment and it's a crime here in brazil. At first i was going to just print 200 to give to some people at timely opportunities, but the minimum quantity was 500 at the price of R$120,00 and 1000 at the price of R$140,00 so i did prefer to do 1000