so, as some of you guys know i have my facebook, but 99% of the people there are brazilians, i just have a few gringos there like my friends drunk gecko and ethan blair
so i'm thinking of making a facebook to add english speaking gringos and hang around english speaking gringos places, so i want to know how much of facebook do you guys use
hello, so twitter is gone and i will be using other social medias such as here ng or bluesky or something, i'm still getting used to ng and fuck elon musk
so again youtube algorithm did recommend me a video this one:
it's the slipknot self titled album but with 60s rock style all made with ai, well i'm way more into 60s/70s (heavy) rock rather than i'm into nu metal, so i almost did prefer this one rather than the slipknot original album lol, and being honest about it, it sounds better than many things many musicians nowadays are doing
the vocals makes you a little tired of it after a while since it has the ai taste, but the instrumental sounds pretty good actually (since we have been used to the digital instrumental sounding since the videogames, electro music, etc)
youtube did recommend, taking a look at the comments i see mostly of the people still conservative and/or right winged
watch a brazilian movie called "Elite Squad" (2007), great brazlian movie (the best brazilian movie in my opinion), it portrays goodly the police and the crime here in brazil (well, in places like rio, in fancier places like santos crime works a little fancier too)
i think i have told before but spazkid was the dude that did inspire me indeed, one day in 2015, 15 years old me was hanging around youtube then find an animation called "sailorman the squeakquel", i did watch it find it pretty interesting then in the desc i saw one guy did all the voice action and other guy did all the animation, so i thought "if he can do it, i can do it too", but i had no one to voice act, so i did all the voice action too
but i don't think i'm the brazilian spazkid, @peixeaquatico is the brazilian spazkid