PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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That last picture givin me:
Never mess With a kind person

They will reveal there inner demmon


That third pic with tha long hair tho..

U look cool

Man u look like a dude that made 2837382 families already .-.

The third image is just: The devil shivers when the nice guy loses his temper

Nunca mexa com o Miami dos Santos, ele vai virar um demonio de cabelo roxo

a zit é uma demoniada memo kkj, tmj mano

Better then Dream’s face reveal

me lembra daquele cara q mato o vizinho

sou matador de onça, mata aqui tem corage o cão covarde

@TheMiamiDeSantos vo traçar tua localização pros masonicos te pega

não precisa, bolsonaro, amilton mourao, lula, sergio moura, alexandre de moraes, buzz aldrin são tudo maçom

@TheMiamiDeSantos eu tambe m

You sure have changed through the years! Think you've found a finite style now or still morphing in the future? Curious when you first started wearing glasses (as a fellow but very involuntary eyesight-boosting-visor-wielder)?

That first haircut was cool though, I don't think it'll ever go out of style really.

yeah hehe, first i was the mommy's kid then i turned to a metalhead and now i'm 23 and i look like a 45 dude who works at a office haha, i still like to wear black clothes like a metalhead still have some black shirts and ting, now i like to work out and ting, i now prefer shorter hair, but i still have some of the metalhead style haha. Started to use glasses when i was 15, i was like "my vision ain't bad i can see things" then after did use the glasses i was like "well, my vision ain't so good without glasses"

Ah but you don't work at the office? I actually do have that kinda work, I'd fit the mold... tried getting into metal for a while too but I can't say I was ever a true metalhead. But I did give it a chance! Listened a lot to Belphegor a while. It doesn't get much more metal than that does that? :P More so into rap numetal and classic rock now, with some exceptions. Sepultura btw, do you listen to them? Haven't listened to any real metal in a while but I still love their stuff, bit different from the common metal mold. Hehe yeah I had the same experience with glasses, similar age too... though I've kept trying to keep them off whenever I can. Just recently started weilding 'em full time by the computer. It does make life a little easier!

'ting' btw, what does that mean? Don't recognize that word.

haha the "and ting" is something the jamaicans says, i learned on GTA IV haha, i don't know exactly what it means, it looks similar to something we use here in brazil "e tals" it's somekind of "etc" at the end of the sentence. I don't work at a officer, i work at home doing illustrations and animations work, as well i do some side hustles like working on a pizza parlor and restaurants, i'm a freelancer! Worked some years with changes loading and unloading a truck, then a year as a cashier on a pizza parlor and now i'm working at home.
Yeah bands like Belphegor, Dark Funeral, Cannibal Corpse, Immolation are the metallest you can get, you can get lower listening to stuff like Intestinal Disgorge, Cock and Ball Torture, Mortician, etc, but thore are brainless brutal music, many of them ain't much enjoyable.
I like Sepultura specially their old death/thrah metal stuff, Morbid visions, bestial devastation, schizophrenia, beneath the remains

Ahh I do know that actually. XD Didn't make the connection now... I'm playing through GTA SA right now (for like the bazillionth time), they don't say that there! Gotcha.

Ah so this is actually your professional occupation too! Fiverr? Freelancer, Odesk? That's cool. Working with your dreams for real; making something out of nothing.

Mmm I recognize Cannibal Corpse too, the other two are new to me... some might say Death Metal overall is a little brainless though. :) Personally though I'm just not a huge fan of the vocal style, or instrumental style that's aggressive to the point you stop hearing melodies, right now I'm hooked to for example: https://youtu.be/1JNmz17gnMw

Curious what you think about music like that? Maybe way too tame for you?

I used to love the rage and energy with heavier metal but it seems it was more of a phase, I'm on a different energy now. Still great to listen to when you're angry though! Ah Sepultura go way back... the earliest I've listened to was probably Roots. When they went a bit more mainstream I guess.

I look for work everywhere i can, facebook, twitter, instagram, etc, i use the different social medias strategically, being the facebook my strongest, might even open comissions sometime. I'm moving gradually into the different social medias, sometime ago i did make a Discord, found some interesting things there. Might take a look at fiverr, odesk, as well kofi and others. Those bands are brainless but there are way more senseless and brainless stuff like this one:
I like many styles of music, rock/metal are my favorites, i like classical music, VGM music (mega man, donkey kong country, final fantasy, castlevania, etc). I like almost all of the styles, some of rap, some of pop music, etc.
The Sepultura - Roots album is numetal, closer to stuff bands like Korn would put out. It's a good album too i like it not as much as their early death/thrash metal sound, but it's good as well some stuff of numetal bands like Korn, Slipknot, Linkin Park, etc

Interesting. I guess a lot of artists get commissions in particular that way, though it's not commissions you currently make a living on? KoFi's a great thing too, I don't know if it's useful from a freelancer perspective specifically, but it's a nice little donation enabling thing. Same as PayPal I guess but I seem to remember they had lower transaction fees...

Ahh yeah I can hear that. XD Dark, distorted, deranged... I guess it's a natural evolution though if that's the sound you're going for. Listening a bit to Carcass now too and they're really not that bad! Almost feels a bit like Grunge... still not that big a fan of that vocal style and melodical disarray, but I could listen to this sometimes. It's appreciatively raw. Do see the resemblance between the cover/your art. :)

So Polyphia's alright too? Mmm Korn, Slipknot, Linkin Park are more my ballpark after all, but that wasn't as metal an album as I thought it was then. XD Good to know. And you have a wide assortment of tastes then! Respect.

yeah, i liked that polyphia song, fine taste on music did remind me a little of acts like Opeth. I never exactly did comissions, never opened it, I do illustration works (like a girlfriend wanting to buy an art of her and her boyfriend), or a store wanting some drawing, etc, anything that needs an illustration or an animation and i can do i will do it. I started to release this animated series of my mine EOFS late april this year, let's see if i can get followers and develop a fan base of it, maybe trademark it on the future and such

Opeth ah... I haven't listened to them much before but I like what I'm hearing now, fine taste indeed! They remind me a bit of Deep Purple, similar blend of synth and guitar, though vocals definitely have a different tone...

Ah, alright! A commission's basically the same thing then, it's just the term for: to order or authorize the production of (something). So basically all illustrators work by means of commissioning. :) I guess it's not used so technically now though, digital artists put up 'commission sheets' with prices, and showcase mostly character art, so maybe it's become synonymous more so with that...

Aight, hope so! I'll try to tune in more often. Exciting to see how it develops.

Opeth i prefer they progressive rock stuff rather than their progressive death metal part (like their vocals) love the intro of this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fa5s7qW5UE
Deep Purple is great too, their early stuff it's like the beatles if they were a heavy metal band.
Yeah pretty much like a comission, but some stuff like for stores by which involve commercial use we can charge a little more and some customers wants to legally sign contract and ting. While the comissions are pretty simpler stuff, i sometimes buy comissions from other artists to help them.
I will be also working on EOFS as well on it's promotion, I gonna see what i can dig up, talking about it's development very soon i will be releasing a new episode (7m40s long)

Ahh that was a nice one. :) Was listening to this one when I had the Deep Purple impression: https://youtu.be/LhqijfqecvA Very different tone here... it feels like a renaissance...

Yeah Deep Purple really revolutionized the genre back in the day. :) I was positively surprised with their newer stuff too, grew up just knowing the classic Smoke on the Water, but years later stumbled across their Bananas album with appreciably catchy tunes like: https://youtu.be/xGoJ-gT03ZI

The solos are the best part. Such a good dynamic with the band when they really get going.

Mmm, seems the definition of commission's just changed a bit, I think technically all of these things are still commission. :) But regardless that's awesome, definitely another level working with businesses in the real world compared to the common artist commission games online!

Nice, looking forward to it! Just caught a cold (I think, hopefully just a cold) so I'll catch up with the animations a bit later I think. Happy Holidays, if you celebrate! :)

love that evil peacock Opeth album cover. This one was sick for 1968 it's like heavy metal before Black Sabbath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1PNvopXjbg
Smoke on the water is good, classic one, love the classic rock/metal songs, even some of bands like Scorpions, Nazareth or The Eagles - Hotel California.
The New EOFS ep was released on tuesday night, it's 7:40 long, shorter and with more animations as i promised to people hehe, a sick gunfight scene with a lot of gunpop, with a special song Paraplegic - Fake Bird, a norwegian old school thrash metal band by which i had the honor to meet it's vocalist Truls Kvernhusvik (or something hard to write this name lol) he gave me permission to use all of Paraplegic music!
Also, i don't celebrate them holydays but thanks anyway, i'm kinda very christian one of the things i wonder after i did read all the bible was "why jesus birthday is 25 december? there is nothing here that says so" so after some research i found out it was something pagan called "winter solstice" and probably something catholic church did fuse with "christianism" for commercial purposes.

I didn't know that one was Deep Purple! :D Iconic na na na na na bit but I just never placed it as them... very different kind of metal compared to Black Sabbath but towards the end maybe they are getting there somewhat. :) It's like Jazz though, before Rock was Rock, interesting to listen back to this stuff and think about how different the structure and sound really was back then... I love it though.

And Scorpions! My favorite one of theirs probably: https://youtu.be/hwmHdPNoTZ8

I used to have that album on loop every summer, one of my brother's old tape cassettes that really resonated with me, though somehow sounded better on the stereo there... gotta love the Eagles too! Nazareth I'm not sure I've heard before...

Ah it's out, alright! :D I will check it out, bookmarking for now!

Speaking of Norwegian rock (awesome to know about Paraplegic, they're news to me too) what do you think about glamrock? Europe, TREAT? Or synth metal like: https://youtu.be/AFHjaVJEZqA

Ahh that's interesting... maybe you've heard about the anomaly of year 0 too, in how when our calendars/way of measuring time changed, and we adopted the Gregorian one, there's actually a certain span of time not at all accounted for? So technically - if I haven't been misled here - Jesus was born on year 1 AD.

Here in Sweden we have f.kr. and a.kr instead of AD/BC by the way, which stands for 'before Christ' and 'after Christ', so it's just a weird inconsistency. :)

Do you celebrate something similar to Christmas at another date? Maybe all the more celebration around Easter? As with most we gather mainly by tradition here, it's just a nice time to gather and give; appreciate the family. Respect on really doing things right though.

yeah it's more of a hard rock rather than actual heavy metal, but there was some heavy metal elements (crazy for 1968 hehe), just like black sabbath 1970 album had some elements of blues rock. Scorpions is a great band indeed.
Bands like Paraplegic, Old Funeral, Amputation, Balvaz, Thyabhorrent, Obksure Torture, Scurvy, Fester, you probably never heard of, they're very underground, i like those unknown bands, you find many uninteresting things but you can find many gems, and also those underground artists are easy to talk to. I have talked to guys of Paraplegic, Thyabhorrent, Balvaz, Fester, Scurvy, Buffalo, Buried to Rot, Anarchus, Cadaver, and some other bands.
I have the singer of Buffalo on my personal facebook, he is a cool guy, pretty underrated 1972 heavy metal/hard rock band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xSYlwiAM1s
I like Glamrock too, Kiss, Alice Cooper, Europe - the final countdown is a classic masterpiece
Well the calendar is a little confusing matter, here in brazil we say like that too "antes de cristo / depois de cristo" (before christ / after christ). And i don't necessarily celebrate any holydays, i think the most important is to do God's will, love God with all thy heart, all thy mind, all thy forces and all thy knowledge and love thyneighbour as you love yourself. As well charity, help people, love justice, avoid sin, etc. I think everyday is day to love God, love life, love people and love yourself. People can reunite with their families on these holydays, as they got a day off and ting, but to say it's christ birthday, have a christmas tree, put things like santa claus at home, buy gifts and stuff etc, i don't do it

By the way I suppose Nazareth have some ties to Christianity too. Curious if you've ever been into Genesis or P.O.D.?

Handsome man damn

Mmm it's the little shifts that start the big ones too. :) Fascinating to look back on. Wonder if there are other bands that pioneered the genre even earlier, but just didn't get recognition for it, like for example with Punk the recently uncovered: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Band_Called_Death

Woooah you know a lot of those! :D You're right I don't think I've heard any of them. I love underground music too though, rappers like for example Afu-Ra and Thee Almighty SPAWN, feels satisfying somehow to listen to stuff that you know most of the world hasn't been exposed to. :) To support the underdogs too I guess. Though of course if you're a real fan it'd be nice to see them blow up too... listened to Ed Sheeran before he went mainstream for one, there's this particular hip-hop collab just before he started to get famous that's only recently come to light, but I think I'm getting into the wrong genres at this point...

Oh Buffalo! That's awesome! I know the name though don't think I've heard much of them either. Awesome track there. Classic sound. A lot of similar tastes after all here! :D I think I discovered a fair share of the classic rock I know of via the GTA games, they've always had a great taste in music. Have you listened to Slade, Blue Oyster Cult, D-A-D? Btw just randomly reminded of this one of my favorite solos ever, not that advanced really but just so perfect IMO: https://youtu.be/n_DrhFn4COg?t=2065

Fascinated with live shows too, been trying to get to more concerts, being able to experience the same music in a way that's somehow unique to the moment you hear it feels similarly gratifying.

Oh that's cool to know. :) Mmm I love that approach, personally I believe what's most important after all is to just be a good person; be as good to others and to the world as you possible can, true in action more so than worship, though if you're devoted I guess there's no excuse not to do both. With Christmas, if we had a different name would it be alright to celebrate? If we for example honored Saint Nicholas instead and had a regular tree, with no correlation to Christ?

The gifting is an interesting thing as on one hand it's a gesture of benevolence towards anyone you give something to, but on the other the whole holiday is fueled by commercial interests these days, just like Mother's/Father's Day, and it feels like the intention often gets swept up in just a craving for things. IMO the occasion's honorable so long as your intentions are too.

Yeah there is this band Blast, in 1972 (or 73) recorded a legit hardcore punk song, hardcore punk before punk rock was invented, this song can be compared to stuff like Discharge, Rattus, G.I.S.M. were putting on years like 1982, 1984, 1985. It was just surreal for 1972 i thought it was fake, someone recorded it on an year like 2013 or 2014 and released like it was old, but apparently it's not fake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-HCh7JMQ3g
There is also this punk song recorded 6/73, very punkish, pretty homophobic lyrics lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhckhpPTDUs
There is also a interesting gem a Brutal Death/Thrash Metal band in 1986, before Death (death metal) released their first full length album, shame brutal death/thrash metal like that never got popular only the brainless brutal death metal/grindcore/pornogrind/slam
I like Blue Oyster Cult, got to them through Ghost (i'm a big fan of the swedish Ghost band, it was my favorite and the one who introduced me into rock/metal)
I liked that punkish solo too, it's some simple stuff but still great, sometimes the simple stuff ends up being great than an complicatedly elaborated stuff
And yeah i think it's beautiful to reunite the families and ting, it can be classified as loving thyneighbour, but unfortunaley that xmas celebrations is based on lies and many people enjoy these holydays sinning, gluttony, getting drunk, parties, sex, stores greedily rises their prices, etc

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