yo hello, so recently finally someone did a video talking about one of my animations and then that video got 28k of views and my videos got about some k's of views as well and then one of my brazilian friends did say "yo miami, why don't you try to get youtube monetization?" i was almost sure i couldn't get it but i decided to try anyway and guess what, it worked!
maybe that's a good opportunity for one of you gringos do a "BIZARRE BRAZILIAN ANIME DON'T WATCH THAT STUFF" video or something, maybe youtube algorithm will be kind with you too
now you can be an official eofs sponsor, the cheapest option was R$1,99 ($1 = >R$5, so if you become a miami sponsor brazil will be owing you money! it's basic math since R$1,99 = <$1)
also thank you guys for the 800 fans, but those fans that did complete 800 were brazilian people that don't use their ng account too much, probably were looking for uncensored eofs
for those that didn't watch yet that's the animation that did give eofs some highlight: