PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

Exp Points:
10,148 / 10,670
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7.22 votes
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TheMiamiDeSantos's News

Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 18th, 2023

Hello, today Miami de Santos/my youtube channel is completing 1 year

Back then i did post the eofs pilot demo, then one week did pass then 0 views haha, then i realized if i wanted to people watch my stuff i gotta promote my stuff with my own hands, then made a facebook to promote it, the first place where i had some lucky was with some mexicans and spanish speakers on a facebook group (even to today mexico has a special place on my heart), many humble and nice people some were like "man i can't understand anything about your cartoon but i'm gonna sub to your channel anyway"

then about one week later i did made this NG account, i never had an NG account before so i didn't know much what to expect, what i knew about ng was it had flash games, crazy animations (like SpazKid used to do) so i thought "maybe my stuff will make sense there, i'm gonna give it a try". But it was a little differente, many kids and underages, furries, sonic fan arts (quite frankly a little crazier than what i expected lol)

But this is a great place, many cool people, cool users, awesome stuff, i really love this place and it's people, met a lot of nice people here, some are still here, some are not

I would like to thank you all for everything! I love you all!


And a special thanks to @Wojoe, the first ever review i got here on newgrounds lol this one is nostalgic for me already



Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 11th, 2023

now we gonna discover if it gotta be on the bible or not





Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 6th, 2023

hello, so recently i did receive a message here at ng of an user saying i should not be "exposing minors to M and A content and interacting with underage who comment on such content or else i would get reported"

That user is level 1, civilian rank, has a normal whistle, no posts, no reviews, nothing, he/she been here since 2021, pretty inactive so it may be someone trying to fool me or something

I don't remember seeing an explicit rule about it either. But anyway i will be taking that user word, i won't be interacting with underages comments on my M and A stuff

So miami's little angels, keep distance from M and A stuff

And if miami gets eliminated from newgrounds you can find me on other social medias, like youtube, there you guys can comment on my stuff, as i upload a video yt ask: "is it content for children?" me "no, it's not for kids" and still youtube will be showing it for kids, kids comment on my stuff and sub on my channel specially through the youtube shorts feature





Not important stuff written by a crazy lunatic:

If a newground user is respecting the art guideliness posting his/her M and A art properly and there are underages looking at his/her stuff wouldn't it make more sense reporting the underages and not the artists? Wouldn't be more effective as at least theoretically there are less underages looking at M/A stuff rather than artists posting their M/A stuff? Get the underage and make his/her user account have the right birthdate and the site automatically will block the M/A stuff they shouldn't be looking at if they really are worrying about them looking at things they shouldn't.

Talking about really getting worried about kids looking at things they shoudn't be... let's talk a little about some stuff like GTA V, red dead redemption, freefire, call of duty ghost... they're 18+ games, still there are way more kids and teens playing them, games have explicit violence, they teach kids and teens how to load, unload, trigger a gun, call of duty first person teachs how to aim and fits the gun iron sight into the target to get more accuracy (very useful to school shootings i would say)

Youtube has a lot of videos teaching about guns, about their parts, about the calibers, about the ammo types, they doesn't have any age restriction, many of those videos are on the shorts too (getting a little easier on the kids and teens sight), youtube clearly doesn't care about kids and teens getting into those kind of content, they should have more strict rules about those gun videos, the gameplay with shooting games and having a more secure way to confirm the age of the viewer, like through a sms confirmation and the phone chip gotta be attached to someone's over 18+, youtube should have this info of the chip and the governmenst should make people have their phones chips properly attached to their document and punish parents who let their kids have access to those things as well the multinational corporations who doesn't prevent it properly, like youtube, sony, microsoft, rockstar games, etc, etc

But they're not gonna do it, cuz it would be economical big DAMAGE to their game industries, DAMAGE to their youtubers, DAMAGE to their stupid youtube shorts, DAMAGE to their goddamn tik tok and kwai, DAMAGE to their goddman netflix, hbo, amazon prime and similar stuff

Other thing they shouldn't be putting on kids and preeteen stuff, the lgbt stuff, mostly of them kids and teen are not ready to face the lgbt life as it is a very hard life on this world, shorter life expectancy, homophobia, stds (anus is not made for sex, it's dirty and may has bleeding fissures with the continous impacts of a penis banging it, infective endocarditis (the fecal bacterias of your anus getting into your bloodstream through the anal fissures caused by anal intercourses), it's not hard to find trans people depressed due to not achieving the physical looks they want as men anatomy has a lot of differences to women anatomy, many of them compare themselves a lot with other looks, there are some trans who manage to look a lot like the opposite gender (darkwaifutrap for example), it's just a matter of time to a trans start comparing their looks with the opposite gender and/or with other trans looks and feeling sad for not achieving the looks they want, some are pretty fine with the way they look but many gets frustrated.

Want to prevent your teens from getting addicted to porn, drugs, depressed, doing school shootings? Unite your forces against the multinational corporations, they're responsible for teaching and endorsing a lot of that stuff


they forgot the woman breasts on baphomet statue




Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - March 11th, 2023


"honey big cookies - brazilian industries"

i do the brazilian sailor moon bootleg:



Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - March 4th, 2023




Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - February 28th, 2023

yo families, i have now 357 fans, thank you guys i love you all

here is a 357 magnum pic


i love guns



Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - February 27th, 2023

a friend of mine did a zit and me drawing:


i think it was a little based on this:


Snow: wait, ain't you a purple haired gal with big breasts??²???²??

Batata (Potato): i was imagining that (crying emoji)

O Tal: he is, but he is using photoshop to hide it

DrMiami: it's her dad here

O Tal: it's her son's dad here



Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - February 26th, 2023

hello, as some of you guys know sometime ago i did see the galician khalifa had a better shape than me


so i decided to start an hypercaloric diet and work out more, took 2 photos today

one looking like a fucking hobo:


and this one before going to work at the pizza parlor:




Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - February 23rd, 2023


my brazilian friend of FullMortal Art did this drawing, my oc with 2 ocs of some of my brazilian friends

also crossover music is good af too

i think the spongebob american dub is based on this singer voice



Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - February 16th, 2023


decided to fuse my latest art

with super mario



hails to @NikoN1nja, awesome dude
