PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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miami de santos breaking the law?

Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 6th, 2023

hello, so recently i did receive a message here at ng of an user saying i should not be "exposing minors to M and A content and interacting with underage who comment on such content or else i would get reported"

That user is level 1, civilian rank, has a normal whistle, no posts, no reviews, nothing, he/she been here since 2021, pretty inactive so it may be someone trying to fool me or something

I don't remember seeing an explicit rule about it either. But anyway i will be taking that user word, i won't be interacting with underages comments on my M and A stuff

So miami's little angels, keep distance from M and A stuff

And if miami gets eliminated from newgrounds you can find me on other social medias, like youtube, there you guys can comment on my stuff, as i upload a video yt ask: "is it content for children?" me "no, it's not for kids" and still youtube will be showing it for kids, kids comment on my stuff and sub on my channel specially through the youtube shorts feature





Not important stuff written by a crazy lunatic:

If a newground user is respecting the art guideliness posting his/her M and A art properly and there are underages looking at his/her stuff wouldn't it make more sense reporting the underages and not the artists? Wouldn't be more effective as at least theoretically there are less underages looking at M/A stuff rather than artists posting their M/A stuff? Get the underage and make his/her user account have the right birthdate and the site automatically will block the M/A stuff they shouldn't be looking at if they really are worrying about them looking at things they shouldn't.

Talking about really getting worried about kids looking at things they shoudn't be... let's talk a little about some stuff like GTA V, red dead redemption, freefire, call of duty ghost... they're 18+ games, still there are way more kids and teens playing them, games have explicit violence, they teach kids and teens how to load, unload, trigger a gun, call of duty first person teachs how to aim and fits the gun iron sight into the target to get more accuracy (very useful to school shootings i would say)

Youtube has a lot of videos teaching about guns, about their parts, about the calibers, about the ammo types, they doesn't have any age restriction, many of those videos are on the shorts too (getting a little easier on the kids and teens sight), youtube clearly doesn't care about kids and teens getting into those kind of content, they should have more strict rules about those gun videos, the gameplay with shooting games and having a more secure way to confirm the age of the viewer, like through a sms confirmation and the phone chip gotta be attached to someone's over 18+, youtube should have this info of the chip and the governmenst should make people have their phones chips properly attached to their document and punish parents who let their kids have access to those things as well the multinational corporations who doesn't prevent it properly, like youtube, sony, microsoft, rockstar games, etc, etc

But they're not gonna do it, cuz it would be economical big DAMAGE to their game industries, DAMAGE to their youtubers, DAMAGE to their stupid youtube shorts, DAMAGE to their goddamn tik tok and kwai, DAMAGE to their goddman netflix, hbo, amazon prime and similar stuff

Other thing they shouldn't be putting on kids and preeteen stuff, the lgbt stuff, mostly of them kids and teen are not ready to face the lgbt life as it is a very hard life on this world, shorter life expectancy, homophobia, stds (anus is not made for sex, it's dirty and may has bleeding fissures with the continous impacts of a penis banging it, infective endocarditis (the fecal bacterias of your anus getting into your bloodstream through the anal fissures caused by anal intercourses), it's not hard to find trans people depressed due to not achieving the physical looks they want as men anatomy has a lot of differences to women anatomy, many of them compare themselves a lot with other looks, there are some trans who manage to look a lot like the opposite gender (darkwaifutrap for example), it's just a matter of time to a trans start comparing their looks with the opposite gender and/or with other trans looks and feeling sad for not achieving the looks they want, some are pretty fine with the way they look but many gets frustrated.

Want to prevent your teens from getting addicted to porn, drugs, depressed, doing school shootings? Unite your forces against the multinational corporations, they're responsible for teaching and endorsing a lot of that stuff


they forgot the woman breasts on baphomet statue





Dawg M rated stuff is fine

Btw what was there name

well i won't reveal his/her username cuz people may get it wrong, try to message him/her or something and i don't want to make this kind of trouble

@TheMiamiDeSantos can you dm it to me because someone reported one of my M rated arts and then told me not to interact with any adults

i got repoted for stealing audio wich i got permission from and was a video game i was working on and it had me and i got banned from posting audio frrom M bot wich i tink is really fucking stupid

So it's not only you then, i got the same as what you've said on this news, i just read it and leave it be

you did good, guess we have a serial knight of the politically correct hanging around our posts

Ignore them. They probably just want to ruin people.

i'll just ignore it, maybe it's just someone concerned about kids and teens safety. But what i can do? I'm posting my stuff publicly and people are seeing it, there ain't much i can do about it

@TheMiamiDeSantos They probably are just an over-religious maniacal loser. They probably think your stuff is “satanic”. But just post the stuff you make anyway.

Umm, not gonna get into that “LGBT” stuff in the last paragraph’s rant, mainly because I’m straight and have no say on this matter, really, although I would argue you can’t “choose” your sexual orientation—I’ve watched Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker and SpongeBob SquarePants and Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 dress like women all throughout my childhood and yet I’ve never even been “bi-curious” or entertained the idea that I might be attracted to the same gender.

As for the insane amounts of violence allowed on sites like YouTube and TikTok, it looks like your theory might actually get tested out as US Congress seems set to ban TikTok entirely in the United States, First Amendment free-speech rights be damned. Of course, they are only picking on TikTok specifically because it’s owned by a Chinese “multi-national corporation” as opposed to a U.S. one, and of course it’s just the latest scapegoat to avoid, you know, making it harder for clearly-deranged young people to get weapons that even active military men are not allowed to really use outside of an active war zone. Basically protecting the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) at the expense of the First Amendment (the right to free speech).

Overall, it seems like you’re butting up against the most irritating part of American culture I have to deal with on a daily basis, even if my posts here only tend to be E or T-rated: We’re insanely over-sensitive about sex and sexual orientation to the point where I’m not even 100% sure it’s safe for me to draw breasts on my female characters without getting cancelled. But glorifying guns? Bloodlust? Confusing sociopathy with “manliness?” A-OK in the USA! It’s why recent versions of Resident Evil 4 won’t even let female characters like Ashley be “flirty” anymore but at the same time are not the least bit worried that someone might be traumatized by seeing Leon get chainsawed to death in first-person Virtual Reality/VR. It’s really just a vocal minority forcing their worldviews on others instead of at least using that energy to actually vote and protest against actual issues like climate change and making it harder to get guns that are overkill (no pun intended) for “defending” yourself—probably because it’s easier to “cancel” a fictional cartoon character like Pepe Le Pew than it is to stop a multinational corporation actively tearing society apart for money.

Best thing you can do is simply ignore these people and only worry about Brazil’s censorship instead of trying to navigate the United State’s prudish culture, too. There have been studies, too, that “cancel culture” tends to pop up in wealthier countries like the US, where lots of people have all their needs met and thus have to create drama and gossip just because they’re bored with how good they have it. If you have to worry about whether you can afford to eat dinner tonight, you don’t really have the privilege to worry about whether Ashley empowers women enough in the Resident Evil 4 remake, for example.

well, the lgbt part is not hard to see, first the anal fissures, infective endocarditis, stds, are science, just search about it. Search also about guys like freddie mercury and how young they died, search about the life expectancy of lgbt people
i know a lot of lgbt people, they don't hide their grieves, befriend them and you will see very often they sad posting about how they are not happy with many things, homophobia, their looks, the pronouns, etc. Here one i found on newgrounds sometime ago as an example: https://pepskip.newgrounds.com/news/post/1348137
People are different, you and me were not affected (at least significantly) by the things we consumed, i listen to a lot of metal stuff it would make sense for me being an atheist or a satanist, but people are different, you see the otakus for example how they like their cartoons, for me it's kids/teen stuff but for many of them are a lifestyle. Different things may have different effect on different people, a violent game is 18+ it's not supposed to be played by kids and teens, still there are teens that spend like 10 hours playing games they should not even be allowed to play.
Things are also like some kind of initiation, like you start watching pokemon and dragon ball, then you're watching bleach, then one piece and fairy tail, then dragon maid and eiken, then watching crazy hentai tentacles.
Same thing with metal, you start with linkin park, slipknot, then iron maiden, then black sabbath, then cannibal corpse, then burzum and amon goeth
Teens may play call of duty ww2, then they may start getting interested on ww2 stuff. they get to see the nazi side, like their symbols, their cool guns like luger p08, kar98k, they may get some info on some not very good sources and "maybe they're not that bad", they may feel depressed for something they feel their life may not be worth, so they try those dramatic school shootings.
We are having those problems here in Brazil too, depressed kids and teens, teens addicted to porn and social media, school shootings are rising too (here we have less guns we are having some school stabbings), the source of this problem starts with the USA and their multinational corporations, our R$ is attached to the american dollars, we don't have our corporations we have youtube, facebook, rockstar games, sony, microsoft, etc

@TheMiamiDeSantos Parents just need to do a better job actually parenting their children and being there to teach them good values. Those "slippery slope" scenarios you mentioned (e.g. an otaku starting off with Pokemon only to then be addicted to hentai) could be avoided simply by parents monitoring their children's screentime and telling them what parts are and are not acceptable outside the realm of fantasy. I feel like my parents did a good job about that, even if the consequence is that I was basically not allowed to even look at Newgrounds or similar sites until I was, like, 23, or that I wasn't even allowed to play the T-rated Super Smash Bros Melee until I was 13. That said, there probably needs a balance, and in my case I feel my weirder kinks are the result of my parents and other adults in my life controlling me a bit too much, even when I was more than old enough for the less-clean forms of entertainment.

If you can't handle the responsibility of raising a child and giving up on your own dreams to make sure your child grows up to be a well-adjusted member of society, then don't have children, simple. You can't expect the government or businesses to raise your children for you (and when they do, it's usually at the expense of the rights of more-responsible adults), and there are way too many humans using up the Earth's resources as it is.

yeah, parents should be doing that, like the bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6). But it don't take out the responsibility those corporations like youtube, rockstargames, etc should have. I bet you americans have something like we have in brazil a "Statute of the Child and Adolescent" there are laws about exposing child and teens to adult content and the penalties of it, what i'm claiming is that the big corporations should respect those laws, cuz they know there are kids and teens consuming their stuff, like i know youtube asks me "is it content for kids?" i say no and still it's algorithm is sending my content to kids, specially through the shorts feature
Hehe, i'm almost the opposite, i'm very loose, i don't have a mom since the age of 15 and my dad let me do basically everything i want lol as a matter of fact i'm the one who scolds my dad and some other older people (like some of my uncles and aunts) cuz of my bible knowledge, they sometimes don't accept it too easy cuz it's a 23 years old but it's written on the bible haha
The earth resources are again... politicians and multinational corporations, they put too much bureaucracy and oversight on the small workers, leaving the fundamental resources and products being done only by the big corporations, so it looks like there are few resources, what we have are a lot of bureaucracy and unemployed people and the same stupid corporations selling the same stuff, it's not because they're the only ones on earth competent enough to produce those things it's because the politicians they have in their pockets makes the laws impossible to smaller corporations and producers to compete with them.
Another lie is the overpopulation. Let's take our countries as an example: USA have 9 million of km² of territorial extension, Brazil has 8 millions of km². USA have about 300 millions of people, Brazil has 200 millions. Basic math: 1 million of km² of difference and about 1/3 of Brazil population+ you guys have
China has 9 millions of km² too (actually a little smaller than USA) and look at their population, Russia has 17 million km² and just 140 millions. If we have something it is bad distribution of people around the world
Brazil a nice country with no natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, etc, a country with 63% of it's energy by hydroeletrics (non-polluting energy) as well the wind and solar energy we have here, if it was a secure country it would be a good for people all around the world start living here.
Solve the bureaucracy problems then the resources and unemployment problems are solved

You are going to jail!! ???

lol no, at least i don't think so. It was just a message i did receive, i think it was just a bluff, then i decided to make a post about it and talk a little about the multinational corporations

It's a troll. I don't know who does that sort of things, and why, but I'm entirely certain they're not genuinely concerned.
I've seen this type of posts often, it's a way of attacking the website, by disrupting communication, and harassing users.
I would block and report, and not overthink it, since the idea is just to disturb you.

This shit depresses me a bit, it happens on pretty much every website that's not a huge platform.
Sorry you had to deal with that.

yo volpon my friend, thank you, i'm pretty chill about it. Even if it's not a troll i think they can't do anything against me as i'm not doing anything wrong nor violating the rules of the site

baphomet milk