to get the hell out of brazil and live on the usa, things are getting red hard here
plants vs zombies is a cool game
PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - May 21st, 2023
to get the hell out of brazil and live on the usa, things are getting red hard here
plants vs zombies is a cool game
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - May 19th, 2023
hello, i finally measured my height (here in brazil we measure in centimeters/meters) it's 1,58 by which googling it says 5,18 feet, i'm smaller than i thought lol
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - May 12th, 2023
"inscritos" is portuguese for "subscribers", 999 subs just one left to 1000
little mermaid can't wait for miami get 1000 subs
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - May 10th, 2023
yo hello families, i'm almost getting to the 1000 subs ("inscritos" is "subscribers" in portuguese)
so if you like my work, please sub to my channel, i love you all
and if you have the charity spirit you can also donate via paypal, i'm brazilian ($1 = R$5) so any dollar will help me a lot
"Motorcycle taxi"
"God is Faithful"
"Travel safely"
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 22nd, 2023
hello, so i did release a new short eofs ep, but i won't release this one here at ng cuz it's similar to the "The Largest Port in Latin America" ep by which was removed from here at ng, they didn't inform me why it was removed so this new ep that is kinda similar to it may be violating some rule of ng, so i won't be posting it here, anyway i love ng <3
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 18th, 2023
some artists think it's hard and some even avoid it, but i like it, it's one of the things i like the most to draw
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 18th, 2023
Hello, today Miami de Santos/my youtube channel is completing 1 year
Back then i did post the eofs pilot demo, then one week did pass then 0 views haha, then i realized if i wanted to people watch my stuff i gotta promote my stuff with my own hands, then made a facebook to promote it, the first place where i had some lucky was with some mexicans and spanish speakers on a facebook group (even to today mexico has a special place on my heart), many humble and nice people some were like "man i can't understand anything about your cartoon but i'm gonna sub to your channel anyway"
then about one week later i did made this NG account, i never had an NG account before so i didn't know much what to expect, what i knew about ng was it had flash games, crazy animations (like SpazKid used to do) so i thought "maybe my stuff will make sense there, i'm gonna give it a try". But it was a little differente, many kids and underages, furries, sonic fan arts (quite frankly a little crazier than what i expected lol)
But this is a great place, many cool people, cool users, awesome stuff, i really love this place and it's people, met a lot of nice people here, some are still here, some are not
I would like to thank you all for everything! I love you all!
And a special thanks to @Wojoe, the first ever review i got here on newgrounds lol this one is nostalgic for me already
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - April 11th, 2023
now we gonna discover if it gotta be on the bible or not