PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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how i started my animation career

Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - June 15th, 2023

decided to post after a dude on facebook did ask me what software i use and how i learned it

it was mid 2015, i found this animation (on youtube) by spazkid

then reading the desc i saw a dude made all the animation and another dude did all the voice action, so i thought if they could do it i can do it too i'll do both all the animation and all the voice action

did take a look at spazkid yt channel and saw he made some tutorials then i watched then all and started practicing animation from there

i'm watching spazkid tutorial now, it feels very nostalgic like i'm 15 years old again




Spazkid is basically Corey, that funny Sonic the Hedgehog fanatic on SleepyCabin and now OneyPlays, right?

Cool little origin, of course it was a Sailor Moon parody that inspired you.

Personally, I've been drawing dumb comics since I was 6 years old (didn't really post on the Internet until I was about 15 when my parents made me a Facebook account, they were smart that way), but then they got me this Nintendo DSi with FlipNote Studio and learned through that Nintendo app thingy that I actually find animation REALLY fun and have since studied it seriously, though I am trying to get better at 3D animation in Blender these days. I even went to an art college and got a degree in Animation, though I'll leave it to the rest of you to decide whether that was a smart idea or not--I was only 17 and college recruiters are VERY persuasive, okay?? We all gotta start from somewhere!

yeah i started doing dumb comics too when i was 11 years old and started doing ocs and imagining their lore and shit when i was 9 (of course way different than eofs stuff lol), mostly shitty clones of stuff i saw on games and cartoons i liked like mario, mega man, donkey kong, chowder, etc. I only posted something when i was 16 it was the first beta/demo of eofs by which was called Amputada (Amputation + Metallica) back then, it was too shit got very fews i didn't know shit about marketing back then i thought it was too shitty and deleted it lol
I never went to college (here in brazil few people can go to college, on my whole family both mom and father sides just 1 dude managed to do it), by the way you talked about it it looks like it was not a good idea. I imagine they're pretty persuasive indeed, it's the power of marketing, i wish i knew that 6 years ago, how you americans say "advertising is everything" day by day i get more sure about it

@TheMiamiDeSantos I get more sure myself that "advertising is everything" by the day, too. Apparently, the new Spider-verse movie is doing way better than the 2018 original just because Sony Animation put way more effort in the advertisement this time, like having crossover events in annoying-but-popular modern games like Fortnite and Roblox, for example.

Of course, on the other hand Disney's movies can fail even in the US because they might not put any effort in the marketing. It will be interesting to see how Elemental does this weekend and outside the US, I haven't seen much advertising on it and the stuff I did see suggests it will be a very typical Pixar movie, which is either good or bad depending on who you ask.

the disney's black little mermaid didn't did good but the dreamworks white elf 3d little mermaid did good, i think it was one more marketing strategy (as well some other things on the agenda) the money they lose with the black mermaid they got 3 times more with the 3d white, as disney and dreamworks doesn't compete, they have the same shareholders, if you search disney and dreaworks on a site like yahoo finances you will see the same names on their holders, vanguard group, blackrock, morgan stanley, geode capital management, state street corporation, bank of america, etc as well in sony's

@TheMiamiDeSantos I prefer to not bring race into it, though Disney seems very...weird about it. Nobody seems to care either way about the "agenda" of the Spider-verse movies so far because they are written as actual characters, not token statements. I didn't give the Little Mermaid remake any money, thankfully, but my sister saw it and simply thought it was so boring, the friends she went with fell asleep about 10 minutes into the movie.

That said, I heard it didn't do that bad--like countries outside the United States obviously saw through Disney's latest cash grab, but it seems to have made enough for at least one more remake. Oh well. If it's not remakes, it's straight-to-video sequels and the infamous "Disney Vault," I just learned to ignore it. It should be especially easy for Brazilians to ignore the shenanigans of American animated movies.

well, americans and brazilians have similar opinions on stuff like games and movies, the little mermaid dinsey version did bad there it did bad here in brazil too (a lot of hilarious memes here about it lol), the mario movie did good in the usa, it did good here in brazil, miles morales is doing good here in brazil, it must be too there on the usa. People here in brazil don't like when dinsey, netflix, etc do those things like forcing lgbt and black characters into the series, in fact we don't take many measures like you guys did with the bud light beer (guess it's because people here in brazil is less aware of the people's power than you guys are there in the usa)

@TheMiamiDeSantos I don't care about the Bud Light thing at all and I frankly find it embarrassing as an American that many of us wasted energy on some corporation trying and failing to have it both ways (making liberals feel good by acknowledging Pride Month, while actually giving a ton of election money to the same conservative politicians whining about their virtue-signaling), instead of stuff that is actually worth worrying about. If I don't like a company or what they're selling, I just don't buy their products, no need to riot on the streets over it.

yo jeffrey boy, it's not a shame, shame is to be a brazilian and see your people accepts many and many heavier shit without doing anything. well, i don't know exactly what happened there or what media made it look like, probably media made it look like people did a bad thing with the bud light ad, so it probably means people did good with it. I know you're a guy more into the peaceful side, but unfortunately sometimes more energetic actions are necessary, and you americans taking some energetic actions are something to be proud of, i have heard texas wanted to secede from the usa, while here in brazil we have the good regions (the south and southeast higher GDP, HDI, literacy, etc) and the bad regions (north, northeast, midwest [way] lower GDP, HDI, literacy, etc) and no sign of no brazilian state seriously considering seceding.
People in countries like brazil, argentina, venezuela, mexico don't take no energetic actions. People here in brazil are all cowards, they accept basically everything the government and the corporations do, people rarely do protests the right way here, they let a lot of shit happen and when some very big shit happen then crazy pointless protests happen, the most recently ones where the brazilian 2014 protests, the truck drivers protest 2018 and the most recent 2023 january 8 attacks in brasilia (by most likely was done by the government itself).
2018 everywhere in brazil running out of everything, the gas stations running out of gas, the supermarkets running out of food, etc, etc all that for what? Lower down the price of diesel a little just for bolsonaro few years later makes it way more expensive
Brazilians accept many shameless shit while americans enrages by way smaller things, that's one of the things that keeps america a good country and brazil a bad one