PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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alligator brain

Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 7th, 2024

so i was animating an alligator getting shot in the head and then i thought "does google have a picture of a real alligator brain?" and it did, here it is:


thankfully it did cuz i was going to draw it in the same color of the human brain, looks alienish doesn't it?

source: https://faculty.lsu.edu/rteruyama/research.php

expect to (maybe) see it again in an eofs frame like that in the future:







Apparently alligator brains resemble a cluster of white grapes... There's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm currently too lazy to find it.

well i just wanted to share the picture of the alligator brain and how interesting it is that google has almost anything, and a little bit of educational content for artists, like i said i was animating an alligator getting shot in the head, then i did look for reference of an actual alligator brain to put in the scene, as well did google "death by gunshot in the head". the "alienish" is a reference to the reptillians conspiracy theory, some people know i'm into some conspiracy hehe (not the reptillians one though)

You really googled "death by gunshot..."? And you're into conspiracy narratives??

Welcome to the watchlist, sonny. There's an open seat right next to me...make yourself comfortable. Make yourself at home, because you ain't NEVA gonna leave.

(As to how I got on it, I dunno but am pretty sure it has to do with certain political statements I've made in the last 12 years or so)

well, i have been into gorey and sinister stuff since 14 (when i got into metal music), and conspiracy the truth is everybody is into it at least a bit (unless you believe every politician and billionaire are all doing their best they can for mankind), but i started to get more interest in it in my 20s and got even deeper into it when i was 22.
being watched we gotta deal with that, how annihilator says "born to death, you take the risk". I used to be an atheist in my teen days, the atheist creed in essence is a conspiracy theory: some guys did invent god, bible, jesus to take control of the masses and get money

dildo grapes

why do the three backgrounds look like something u would see in an illegal/shady site

hehe, well this aesthetic is based on the Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction album cover, carcass, grindcore and death metal are big inspirations for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGQU2Og1ybY

hm... are you into investment and such too? That's cool, the president lula wanted the interest rate to be lowered, wanted it lower than 10%, while it is 10,50% i think it will keep like that for some time more, now they're talking about the possiblity of raising it, but i don't think so, lula wants to change the director due to that, i don't believe they will change the director to put one to do just the same or the opposite of what they want. But lula is just a marionette, that guy doesn't rule that much about brazil.
At the first year of lula government things were worse, then changed to a little better (than it was in bolsonaro time), brazilian stock exchanges even did good at that time, now it's going down again, The brazilian real is going down, and the price of dollar in reais is costing like we are in a pandemic again
Inflation really is rising too, everything is getting more expensive here, it would be even more if they hadn't changed a thing called "PPI" something like "international parity policy" in sum something that makes the petrol costs similar to the cost it would be in dollars, now it's not like that anymore, so here we pay a little less on the gas, diesel, etc, brazil has almost no train tracks, everything here is delivered by trucks in the roads, so the price of diesel determines the price of almost everything here. They say the prices of things are rising, but they would be rising even more if it was not by that change in the fuel price
brazil is facing a deficit, the government doesn't plan to cut expenses rather they are "swelling the state" how we say here. The government already said they're going to finish the deficit through collection (of taxes), they are putting more taxes on everything they can
Honestly i only expect to things get worse and worse here, my plan is to get the hell outta of brazil, sometimes a little less worse times, but no expectation for actually good times. Things costing expensiver, more state, less freedom, etc. I think i told you before, but brazil is going to turn into an argentina, then into a colombia and then into an africa sized venezuela

That is most informative...always good to get a native on-the-ground perspective of events in foreign lands. Yes, finance & investing are among my interests. Finance makes the modern world go round, so it pays to know how it works & what it does.

Your prediction for Brasilia is quite pessimistic but as I tend towards pessimism myself, I do understand. (I consider pessimism the more realistic future view in many--but not all--situations.) Am definitely hoping your forecast is wrong, or exaggerated at worst. While immigration is a perennial hot potato in US politics, when I see what's happening in places like Venezuela, Argentina, Honduras, etc. I totally get why so many Latin Americans want to head north. If you decide to come here, good luck...just know the US ain't what it used to be, either.

that's cool, i have heard like 6 in 10 people are into investments in the usa, while here in brazil 1 in 10 are into it. It's not only due to brazilian people having a lower iq but also cuz the interest rates here in brazil are always high, like 10% is low for us, while there in the usa it's like 5% and you guys are already "oh no usa is ruining" hehe. I do agree, i think usa is going to be worse and worse too, but you guys got more time than brazil do. But anyway let's hope i'm being too pessimistic and my forecast is wrong indeed
It's a little unlikely i will go to usa or europe (with exception of Portugal), most likely for me to change to a place like paraguay, uruguay or panama, by which are not "wow land of oportunity" but are places going a different way brazil, argentina and colombia are going. While brazil is trying to suck everything it can from it's people like a vampire paraguay for example is reducing taxes and giving opportunity for people to live there, good brazilian people tired of brazil to do their good deeds there (you know, attract smart people, worker people to develop their country), there is a lot of brazilians in paraguay already
Brazil is a country by which have many things impossible here, having a family, security, healthcare (we have public "free" we pay through the shitton of taxes, by which suck, if you want a better one be ready to pay a lot for it besides the taxes) and the last straw for me to get out of here is buying a house, this "new" government want to put more taxes when you buy a property, it was already too hard, now it will be impossible so buying a house here in santos is basically out of question for me. Thankfully paraguay is not too far from santos, (são paulo and the south of the brazil too, the best parts we got here in brazil, that's why i think many people are going there too)