PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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finally new EOFS episode

Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - July 25th, 2024

yo, families, so finally, after a year and a little bit more the newest eofs ep is done, and i think it's the best one until now, the funniest, more debauchery, finer (i guess) social criticism (but not so much), and more gunpop

here it is:

or watch it in youtube if you prefer:


gonna ping some of my friends: @AnarchBoy67, @BUNKUMBITCH, @CasperTheRamKnight, @CaioAdriel2006, @Colizza, @colorsCrimsonTears, @CreamyLiquid764, @Doggonnys, @DorkGamer, @DrunkGecko, @emil778x, @ethanblair, @Finasty, @FunSubs, @Guidodinho, @InfinityIsaiah2022, @KhaosKitsune617, @KR-KaRuO, @KyletheDesigner, @Livixal-EDGE737, @mocoeater, @Monster8maker, @Nemuri18, @NikoN1nja, @NurmGuts, @Prismisho, @strangermen, @Swetto, @Volpon, @ZHOA, @WinFritzForgotten, @BrunnoAmaral, @DocDiegO, @FieryFruitCakeDaisy, @ShadenLines, @L3ny

now i'm gonna ping friends and guys i want reviews and criticism, since they helped me a lot before, but anyone can give criticism, it's always welcome: @Cyberdevil, @MetalSlayer69, @jthrash, @Ozone, @MrShoeShine7, @iyhtrhworawany, @34hunter, @Reddrad, @Anonymous-Frog @thepixelizer, @ChickenSlupree, @CrackerJack30, @CommonOddity, @XwaynecoltX





I'll look at it the next time I'm sober

alr, no problem lol, take your time


An event unique in this life

lol yeah, when an one man studio manages to finish something it's unique indeed

It Was A Bit Preachy At The End But Pretty Kewl "Sad" The Sack Guy Died He Was My Favorite Character 1 Star = One Titty For Sack Boy

lol, yo ethanblair, how you doing my friend, hails from brazil

goza baixo fih

só gozo baixo se for gozar escondido ou se a gozada n for boa, se for boa ai tem aquele escandalo aaaaahhhh aahhhhhhh aaaaa

@TheMiamiDeSantos Its Good To See You Henrico .. I Recently Got Into Importing Japanese Media From Japan... Well Xbox 360 Games... But Actually Thinking About It I Should Import Obscure Japanese Stuff

Takashi Is A Interesting Figure . . . He Appeared In A Troll Game And Battle Royal.. I Definitely Think You Should Look Them He Is Truely Influential And Might Inspire Your Show(?)

I Also Recently Watched Great Teacher Onazuki After The Devastateing Blow That Was My Ego Upon Finishing Cowboy Bebop I Decided To Watch A Random 90s Anime On Netflix One Day I Had No Idea What To Expect With GTO ... I Was Not Disappointed... It Even Had Steve Blum Who Voiced Spike As The Titular Protagonist . . . It Helped Me Appreciate Animes With One Season Moreee

Sorry To Sound Like A Weeb I Just Had To Say What I Been Up To Because I Kinda Forgot About You As I Was Sad About Your Gift Not Being Delivered .. It Even Had Shin Chan(!)

hehe, Henrico made it sound like i'm from mexico, cuba, colombia or something lol, might check that takashi dude later, since i'm looking for inspiration for the next eps of my stuff (you know, something different than the stuff that inspires me, metal music, the godfather, scarface, gta, smw, etc), but i'm gonna see the feedback and what i can dig up with this new one.
No problem being a weeb, i'm not a weeb (i guess), and surprisingly the last time i watched anime was one called abenobashi (back in 2018 or 2017 or something and i dropped it at after the 3rd ep or something), but i give value to some japanese stuff, specially the animesque girl artstyle and relax about the stuff delivery, no need to worry about that, hails from brazil

were so back

hehe maybe, i will try to be more active here at ng, you know, comment on stuff, post some art, troll some fools, etc, etc, but u know, ng got a little cold, it's different from the gold time the crew had back at 22

@TheMiamiDeSantos Yeah Dude I Think Its Actually Takahashi If You Cant Find Him He Made A Show Called Takahashis Castle

Ehhhh Never Seen Godfather... Love Scarface And Taxi Driver... No No... Your A Weeb ... Your Show Embodies That Anime Aesthetic And Thats Good... Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade Is On My Holy Grail Of Animes .... I Still Think You Would Take Gto(Great Teacher Onazuki) Well Its A Lighthearted Yet Uhhh.... Edgy Anime And Im All For It...

yo, thanks i think like that is easier to find the stuff. Godfather (the first one) is better than scarface, that's a masterpiece, i wish i could do it like 5% of how those movies did, but i can't lol. Well, i ain't too much into anime, i rarely watch, i don't read mangas, i just prefer the japanese artstyle rather than the western artstyle, but i when i'm watching animated stuff i prefer the western stuff like spongebob, felix the cat, tom and jerry, family guy, etc

This > hazbin hotel

@soulcore00 @TheMiamiDeSantos goze dentro

kkj tenho dinheiro pra isso n k2jgk

where are the "i'll take you to the motel" and "oh my cock" osngs from

both are brazilian songs, the "well well well i'll take you to the motel" is an electro pop one:
the "oh my cock" is a brazilian musical genre we call "funk" (it's not the same funk you guys got in the usa, it's somekind of gangsta rap with pop music)

@TheMiamiDeSantos Ewwww Family Guy ... The First Few Were Good "Guilty Pleasure" But Then It Fell Off Felix The Cat Is Interesting... I Think You Might Enjoy Bedfellows Its A Webseries On YouTube By Craige Patrick It Has A Nice Balance To It "Where Its Not To Unhinged But Yet Not Stalemate "

That Being Said Its So Sad Yet Understandable Why You Do Not Like Anime Especially Nowadays Where Every Anime Looks And Feels Clesha In That Case It Easy To See Why You Feel That Way . . .

I Hear Good Things About The God Father But It Just Seems Boreing To Me Like You Have To Rewatch It Multiple Times To Understand It . . . Even As An Adult It Does Not Appeal To Me Not Like Scarface

yo, thx, i will check it out, usually i love the internet independent stuff. It's not that i don't like anime, i have watched some dragon ball when i was a kid and i liked it, some i didn't like that much like sailor moon, i watched about 150 eps for it looking for things to parody on my cartoon and to understand what sailor moon is about
yeah, godfather has less action than scarface, but it has better writting, well i like some boring stuff like the bible, godfather, mel gibson movies, kubrick movies like eyes wide shut, doom metal, etc


A group of several people can make this animation quicker, but... You choose to be different

hehe yeah, maybe in the future i will find people to work with me on this, but until there being different is what i choose


@TheMiamiDeSantos No Dispute There Mad Max Is Great

Thanks for the ping, I watched it and thought it was pretty great.

I guess I was having too much fun watching it to critique anything, and of course I like how "Brazilian" EOFS is, so I don't want my critiques to go too far, to the point of "Americanizing" your work similar to how 4Kids and other American dubbing studios dumbed down anime like Pokémon and One Piece, as if we couldn't tell that Brock from Pokemon was clearly holding a sushi rice ball when he says "I can't wait to eat this JELLY DONUT!"

...I guess try harder to own the "leftwing" like myself? I'm not THAT "leftwing" compared to countries that actually allow communism, but you know what I mean, "socially liberal," refuses to own a gun, not even that good at using a fictional gun in GTA San Andreas, that kind of "leftwing..."

Also, I was confused about the Evangelical priest apparently being "straight" and violating a grown woman as opposed to being the stereotypical boy-diddler. Are Evangelicals priests in Brazil slightly less messed-up than Evangelicals in the U.S.?

yo my friend,i'm the one who gotta thank you guys, thx a lot indeed for everything. I like to keep EOFS very brazilian, my plan was it to be the brazilian touhou (and in the best of the circunstances the western touhou), i also like how people love the japanese culture, so i think it can happen in a small proportion with the brazilian culture too, the only pity about this is that you gringos can't get some of the jokes, the references, can't admire the 90s and before cars that is in EOFS (one of the reasons i put a lot of vw beetle in it cuz it a car known everywhere), lot of brazilian classic old cars here in brazil
i'm not a right wing either, nor a left wing, i'm a little closer to a right wing since i'm a conservative dude, but still eofs will be getting into a more pop route, so i will try to keep politics a little far from it (even though it's hard as shix for me lol)
i'm not against gun control, actually i think it should be even more controlled, not like how it is done here in brazil: no legal way to a civilian hang around with a gun but you see the criminals with plenty of guns. I'm totally against war and violence, but unfortunately guns are something necessary since their exist and the evil people have access to them, the good people gotta have access to them to defend theirselves, a gun can be called an "equalizer", and i also have this man way of thinking of "i gotta do it with my own hands", so i don't trust police and the state too much. But still EOFS having so easy access to gun, kids with guns and such, people shooting people for stupid reasons is more of a criticism to the guns use
well, i guess the catholic priests did it with kids since kids doesn't know exactly what going on while grown up women know what going on and know that a catholic priest can never have sex, girlfriends, etc, while an evangelical priest can marry and have girlfriend, so they would do it with a grown woman like "John of God" did, but yeah, mostly of the cases i have heard here in brazil of protestant/evangelical dudes molesting people were all grown up women

Interesting...will have to check it out after I'm done here. (My feed has many alerts)

yo my friend, take your time, it's always good to read from you guys, hails from brazil

i like how the kids in that episode look like grenlins

lol they do indeed

@TheMiamiDeSantos I fully understand how difficult it is to keep politics and current events out of my own animations, though I guess in my case it helps that my stuff takes foreeeeevvveeer, and combined with the particularly rapid pace of the US Presidential Election so far (in this past month alone, we had that annoying CNN Debate between Trump and a sleepy Biden, then the attempted assassination against Trump, then Biden ending his Re-Election bid and Kamala Harris taking his place and raking in a ton of money just because she's not nearly as old), that there's no point in me commenting on events people will forget about by the time I get to actually animate them.

Perhaps a good middle ground solution is to do more universal and timeless "social commentary?" Like this classic SpongeBob clip, where it doesn't seem to be referring to anything political, but is a great joke about how working all the time as an adult is basically no better than staying in prison:

yeah, guess it's better indeed to do more timeless stuff. Politics there in the usa is getting wild, looking kinda like usa is an underdeveloped country like brazil, venezuela, ecuador or somethig lol
I love spongebob, only cartoon i love both the brazilian dub and english, spongebob american dub sounds like the singer of a band called the accused, maybe it's just me, but i think spongebob voice is based on the accused vocals
i usually prefer the brazilian portuguese dub version of the things, i think the brazilians are the best voice actors (not including me though lol), brazilian portuguese, portuguese portuguese dub sucks, portugueses sucks at voice acting

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