yo hello, so i made a secondary yt channel to post some of my rare underground/obscure metal stuff, along with rare albums and tapes separated track by track
link if anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/@miamimetalmusic
separated track by track and organized in playlists, i posted those 10 today and yesterday, soon will be posting more
bands and stuff you never heard about before, some of the guys of those bands i did manage to talk to them and even gave permission to use some of their stuff in my cartoon, i made this channel to publish some of the rare stuff i got, promote a little my main channel through the underground extreme metal scene and a little tribute to those underground artists, give them some love and recognition
i follow lots of punk music channels so maybe some metal music would be kool
yo, yeah, punk, rock, metal, grindcore, they are all relatives, it's like they're brothers or cousins or something