so, today it's completed 2 years of miami de santos, i don't celebrate birthdays but 2 years have passed since the start and it's something i gotta stop to think about, just 2 years and many stuff happened since then, met many people, released many stuff, made some friends, made some enemies, some friends turned into enemies or just disappeared, but overall everything have been great
some people thought i was dead, but im back from the dead, i have been working on new eofs stuff by which i think will be the best of eofs eps to be released on the next months
2 years have been since the beginning and we are just starting, love you all, love newgrounds, hails from brazil
two years of miami de santos art a brazilian follower and friend of mine did (damn i loved it):
in the eofs canon louise doesn't like pitoca's boobs though
congratulations! :)
thanks my friend, vlw mano caio tmjj boy, tudo nosso