halloween fucking sucks damn, spoooky uuhh *kiddie stuff like pumpkin or bats*
in all those years of halloween the best thing was this funny image i found today, still not even that funny:
do americans kid really go to the houses and "trick or threat"? i mean, ain't candies and sugar like very cheap? I'm brazilian and if there is something cheap here is candies, like all of them, the gums, the chocolate, tastes like sugar, one of these is like 20 or 30 brazilian bucks, i ain't into candies and i think if i bought one these it would last like 5 years here at home:
also halloween and no spooky music, i listen to evil, spooky, pagan, sound during all year
Halloween Is Actually Pretty Cool I Love The Movies Spawned From It And The Day Of The Dead Thing Is Really Cool You Make Me Sad Desanto Shame On You
yo ethan my friend, i'm sorry for that. I'm not into the pumpkings, bats, and ting, they all look kiddie for me, halloween overall looks like something for kids. For me spooky, horror/terror stuff is chainsaw massacre, gore videos, give some laugh with shitty horror movies like three on a meathook, ultimo mondo cannibale, devoured alive, etc. "Spooky month", "trick or threat", where are the spooky things? Where are the tricks, the threats, let's troll people, put some jumpscares on random stuff on newgrounds, link to gore videos, now that would be spooky and fun.