Hello, i would like to thank you all for the 150 followers
Special thanks to @Chainswap the follower number 150, a lovely, nice and cute girl who does nice cute art!
Hello to:
@Swetto for being my friend right from the start
@nurm123 and @ZE3TE3M for being my friends since my first days of newgrounds and supporting me
as well as many other friends: @BunkumBoy, @CasperTheRamKnight, @Colizza, @CreamyLiquid764, @emil778x, @ethanblair, @felipecrespito, @Ferhandi3466, @FuntimeFandom45, @GhostPRC, @InfernoMeteor, @kg2007, @KinsaugTheDoge, @Livixal-EDGE737, @mawibblap, @mocoeater, @mommyliker645, @MOT7, @MRMAKAKO, @Nemuri18, @paulinhokkkkkk, @PigLice, @strangermen, @Temporaryaccountnnys, @TIKY3113, @TotallyNotSandNG, @Volpon
(not everyone is here, sorry, but i love you all!)
Also i would like to thank some people who reviewed my stuff, thank you all for your honest comments, i'm developing a new animation based on many of the feedback i have received
@jthrash (great reviewer and also a good friend), @Thetageist (great reviews and also a good friend too, a very wise person), @Stanpai, @Anonymous-Frog, @HAL0GUY
Aww, thank you. My heart.