Recently Kazuki Takahashi (the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!) passed away...
Yu-Gi-Oh! was one of my favorite things back in my child and pre-teen days, it surely influenced my taste on monster like creatures and sinister things, it was the most sinister thing I enjoyed before metal music.
I'm an adult now, have to deal with adult life things, got few time to play video games... today I been playing yugioh forbidden memories in memory of Kazuki Takahashi
R.I.P. and thanks for one of the games i like the most in my life.
Like most people I came across Yu-Gi-Oh, through the cards and the Anime. Before the show ended I lost interest because I thought the whole card thing was going stale. Hell 5 Ds was basically that with motorcycles. It wasn't until I seen season 0 which by the way never EVER got an english dub, (Fucking 4Kids) that I saw what the creator's intention was. A Jigsaw like entity who uses all kinds of games to test the mettle of humanity and defend the host's friends and loved ones from evil. It gave me a whole new perspective and a whole new respect for the franchiseas a whole. RIP. You were the true King of Games.
i watched some of it on the broadcast television, here in my country was expensive to have channels like nickelodeon, jetix and animax back when i was a child, and when i got conditions to have those channels, nick was not streaming animes and jetix and animax were not alive anymore. I never had an ps1 when i was child and pre teen, my cousins had and we played the foribbden memories (i did got a ps1 when i got older, though). Played a lot the duelist of the roses on the ps2. I rarely play games nowadays, but when i play if it's not gta or super mario world romhacks it's yugioh