PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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Wtf is this

inspired by the brazilian politicians

A work of art

Scooby doo behind the scenes

No butts about it,everyone has to be exposed to your work of art!

campanha eleitoral do pablo marçal

faz o M

This makes me wanna head down to brazil.

Oloko mano, isso parece aqueles bilhetes magnéticos que os cara do gás deixa kk

That's awesome


Imagine, if you will, if I actually developed my "female anatomy drawing skills," drew porn of my own female characters, printed it up on a business card, and showed something like this when applying to a job at a studio that tries to come across as "family-friendly" as possible, like Disney or Dreamworks...

You have just entered...The "Jeffrey Zone." (theme music plays)

you made me feel like trolling them, like writing a resumee full of lies and such and then at the end show them miami's business card, but unfortunately if it was done by email we couldn't see their reaction

You sure that's gonna work?

we gonna see... in this business you gotta try...

I prefer Ragatha

how did people respond when they saw the ass cards?

mostly were neutral, by email i already sent the message saying what i wanted and with a disclaimer "sorry for the kinda indecent and obscene image, but here it is", but mostly of the peoplei contacted was through whatsapp (an app we use a lot here in brazil), and before sending the images i asked everyone "it is some heavy and obscene content, it's not porn, but it's obscene, can i show you?" mostly were neutral and just said "yes you can", some were like "lol you can, i'm older than 18 already". The woman who did print those for me was pretty nice, i did ask if i could send the images and she was like "no problem, i have already seen many stuff in this business"

I see Miami replying to someone with "inspired by brazilian politicians"

Now I really, REALLY wanna know the full story behind it

yo, every 2 years here in brazil we got elections, now we got the mayor elections, so the cities are all full of politics propaganda, full of politicians business cards, a lot throw in the streets, everywhere you go you see politicians flyers and business cards in the streets, so i had the idea of doing mine too (but not as much how they do and not throwing in the streets as it is a crime and here in brazil the law is a bit different to the civilians than it is to the politicians)
After the elections they throw they all at the streets, so everywhere you will be looking like that:


If Miami's laws weren't the way they are, you could leave them in bathrooms & on front desks everywhere...like Chick tracts.

here in brazil we can't spam our physical propaganda anywhere either, so i'm just giving to some people at timely opportunities, i did try some different things like for example, leaving one card in an old car where there was already a politician business card there. Fun fact about this one is that soon my card was not there while the politician card was still there, meaning someone picked it up.
One of the pizza parlor's delivery bag is with one of those cards, so sometimes people will see the pizza parlor logo in the motorbike's bag with the miami's card/antonia ass on the side

"sometimes people will see the pizza parlor logo in the motorbike's bag with the miami's card/antonia ass on the side"

You gotta post a photo of that! >|-D