PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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I only use facebook to search funny memes *lol*

i use it to everything, that's my main social media, but mostly of the people there are brazilians and mostly of the interactions is to the brazilian people

First of all, in the meme, I would 100% be the "introvert guy sleeping" in the corner in this scenario. I'm REALLY not as talkative in real-life social situations like I am on Newgrounds...stupid high-functioning autism...

Second, unfortunately I quit Facebook for the same reason I quit Twitter back in 2021, I just couldn't handle the constant negativity and political flame wars inherent in those mainstream websites. For me, at least, you'd honestly have better luck just DMing me here on Newgrounds than convincing me to join any Twitter alternatives.

i think i would be one of the guys laughing at the marriage album lol. One of the best things in did in my life was to change the introvert thing, now i'm for many people the most extrovert nerd they ever seen.
About facebook it has one thing that i really miss there in newgrounds, in facebook we can silence the people and when we block someone there we can't see shit they post, here in newgrounds you block someone or someone block you you still be seeing stuff that guy posts
In facebook you can narrow what you see, you can silence many pages and many people letting there just what you want to see and people you want near you, it may takes sometimes to make the environment there "perfect" for you, but you reach it, for me it's the best social media

Im the drunk guy making coffee at 2 in the morning lmao xd

@TheMiamiDeSantos I've been trying to change the introvert thing myself for almost 30 years now (gonna turn 30 later this month), but no luck so far. At least I'm actually outside the house more these days.

Also, I'm aware many websites, including Facebook, let you block toxic people, but personally I feel the problem with society in general these days is that people can't handle opinions outside of their own anymore because the blocking features in websites like Facebook make it easier to get into "echo chambers" where you're only surrounded by people who 100% agree with you and never hear dissenting opinions. I feel it's best if I avoid becoming overly-sensitive to, say, right-wing opinions by only using the user blocking features as a last resort against people that are actually dangerous, not just different from me. We unfortunately wouldn't be friends on Newgrounds here if I blocked everyone I disagreed with, for instance, I've learned to just "agree to disagree" whenever we talk about current events and try not to rant about my own conspiracy theories, since we seem to get along perfectly fine on a lot of other topics outside of politics. I do use the blocking features on YouTube at least, since I see YouTube more as an entertainment site (similar to Netflix or TV channels) and I only want to see cool new independent cartoons and Blender 3D tutorials from the YouTube algorithm.

I think another reason you might have trouble finding "gringos" on Facebook is because in the US, Facebook specifically is considered "social media for Boomers/Old People," and a lot of people closer to my age have abandoned Facebook because the US version is basically all just our parents and grandparents sharing our embarrassing baby pictures with each other, now, and I have to really censor my drawings and humor on any website that my own mother checks a lot. You might have better luck on Threads, which is owned by the same company as Facebook and is basically Facebook in a Twitter-like format that younger people like more than actual Facebook. Blue Sky is arguably the most popular of the Twitter-alternatives right now, but you'd probably want to avoid the socialist-leaning Mastodon for the same reason I avoid right-leaning 4Chan and BitChute.

yo, by the experience i have had with gringos i see americans and europeans takes themselves real seriously, so imagine it would be a littler harder to develop extroversy there, that's one of the reasons i want to move out of brazil but stay in a latino country like paraguay or uruguay instead of america or europe, there would be this culture clash, here in a latin country we all want to party, treat each others like brothers, hugs, talk, etc, while people in america are more serious and ting.
But overall the secret is: don't be shy just be nice and polite, worthy people will be nice and polite back
I'm not surrounded by people that agrees with me in my facebook, i have a lot of left wings, atheists, furries, catholics, etc there, but that people i have are people that respect our differences.
Here in brazil they consider the facebook as boomer/old people social media, but still i find may cool people there, many youngsters are there, so i believe there are some gringos in it, and since i'm a little closer to the right wing side and conservative i get well along with the old people, i have befriended some brazilians in their 30s and 40s
And yeah, hehe, i prefer to avoid the lefties a bit, since we sometimes dont mix very well, I have many left wings friends, but sometimes left wing strangers they get me wrong, i have tried twitter before

@TheMiamiDeSantos I learned to get along with people who otherwise disagree with me from my Mom and her friend. My Mom is a hardcore lefty Democrat, while her friend is hardcore rightwing Republican who feels even Fox News is no longer sufficiently "conservative," but you wouldn't tell by how close they are, always laughing like school girls and getting way too into the games they play together, like dominoes. I guess the key is to focus on our similarities instead of our differences, or at least our really cool and fascinating cultural differences between us.

yo @ShadenLines, do you have a facebook?

In Mexico it's pretty normal ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧

yo, yeah, i have meet many mexicans in facebook, specially back at the beginning, still i have some mexicans from back them on my facebook, i love mexico, hails from brazil

No. Haven't had an account since mid-'16, thereabouts. The only times I've thought about returning to that platform was for business purposes. Why, do you use FB a lot?

for business purposes, it's where i got mostly of my (brazilian) followers, where i promote my stuff and seek customers and followers and where i have a lot of friends i have met in this animation business, there i can talk to people via chat (thing that newgrounds doesn't allow)

Hmmm...that does sound convincing...

When I was active as a freelance illustrator, I did catch a few commissions through FB. That was mostly before & through the mid-2010's... Since then it's changed a bit. Is it better for business now? FB Marketplace definitely stole Craigslist's thunder a while ago--the latter doesn't have the traffic it used to have, & it seems like most CL users are over 40.

well i guess some artists get stronger in some social medias than others, there in facebook people are less leftwinged and some more into the rightwing while in twitter it's full of left wings, progressists, lgbts, etc, those people are less likely to like my stuff (an adult cartoon with heavy humour, etc), so i'm stronger in facebook than in twitter and newgrounds

Just thoughta somethin': you & your Brazilian friends mostly post in Portuguese, right? If I joined up, I could read 'em & maybe learn some Portuguese that way.... In the US the main foreign (not so foreign now) language to know is Spanish, but surely Portuguese has its uses somewhere up here...right?

yeah, mostly we speak there are all in portuguese, portuguese is a hard language to learn, portuguese has a lot of similirarities to spanish, it's like the spanish weird brother. About using it it's only useful in brazil (an underdeveloped country hehe), to find portuguese (from portugal) people is kinda hard actually, and other countries like africa use few of the internet too.
But if you want i will be happy to help you, explain some things about there, slangs (by which i use a lot), abbreviations (that i use a lot too), etc

Facebook is for old people

so, it's perfect for me, i'm an old, i'm into old school stuff and i have a cartoon for adults. But still, at least here in brazil not only old people use facebook, there are a lot of youngsters there

me: over drunk, introvert, love failure

I love the meme

Queria que Facebook não fosse uma merda que forçasse vc a usar seu nome real

quando eu fiz eu botei la "Feiticeiro de Santos" e deu de boa, tem varios cara com nome tipo "Strupador de Femcel" e fica por isso mesmo. Mas eu tentei esses dias fazer um novo pra usar com gringos ai ele nã tava deixando fazer não mesmo, ficava com isso ae de nome real q n sei oq

@TheMiamiDeSantos eu to ligado, meu nome antes era "(Nome real) Aleatorio" só da pa quando reportam sua conta

everyone is talking about it here in brazil lol. Some interesting things in this news, "Pablo Marcal" (Pablo Marçal the right way to write it with a "ç" ç sounds like s, c with a sounds like k, written like that the spelling get like "Pablo Markal"), he is not the "far-right" candidate, he ain't doing good with the right wings figures here in brazil (including bolsonaro and his sons, the "holy grail" of right wing here in brazil) nor with other big right wing figures here in brazil like silas malafaia or gustavo gayer.
Ricardo Nunes was put like a "conservative" while that guy nunes is just the vice of a guy called João Doria (by which i made fun, it's in the thumbnail of my "EOFS - Calabresa" here at newgrounds lol, i could sound almost like him in the dub lol), that guy joão doria is known for being a betrayer of the right wing/conservative here in brazil and did talk a lot of shit about bolsonaro, pretty ironic for bolsonaro political party support doria's vice candidate
Datena did get near pablo "marcal" in a previous debate, but didn't attack him, 2 theories for that incident: either marçal didn't believe he could attack so did stand still to get hit by a fucking 60 years old slow fat guy with a chair, or either they agreed to make that so marçal could get more votes (but that is just my conspiracist mind telling me things)

@TheMiamiDeSantos Funny you should say that. A guy was arrested for waiting on the edge of a golf course where Trump likes to play...he was caught with an AR, extra magazines & some food. A few of the usual online malcontents are saying it was a setup to whip up the MAGA crowd... *smh* I don't buy Trump himself setting it up. Am not sure who was behind it but at this point, it's the 2nd assassination attempt in three months. No way did that lunatic do it on his own.

well, who knows, but in the case of trump i think they really did try to kill him, like there was that beta dude i forgot his name that tried to shot trump but got killed, if trump was setting up that thing then he's really good at it indeed

I wanted to use it, but then they removed games

After watching this, I thought you should see it too...


lol yo thanks, i loved it, great production, i may do something like that in the future, wear a costume like papa emeritus III or something if i get famous enough. About facebook using our data, well it can't be helped, facebook, google, government, everything is watching us now, it can't be helped. Back in 2020 i had dropped facebook for good, then only got back to it in late april 2022 to promote my stuff, since when i posted the demo it passed one week then 0 views, so i realized if i wanted to promote my stuff i would have to do it with my own hands, then made a facebook, then soon a twitter, then soon this newgrounds, then instagram, discord, etc
I really was not into social medias, many were something so new to me, like newgrounds, discord and instagram, my grandma had an instagram and i didn't