about the preacher that raped the cop, was there an actual demon in the cannibal or did the preacher just use it to rape?
PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22
about the preacher that raped the cop, was there an actual demon in the cannibal or did the preacher just use it to rape?
yeah, there was a demon, but there is a moral to this story: the creator (of the cartoon, me) was the one that did take out the demon from inside the hobo, some people believe that priests, reverends and such can make miracles, while if there is any miracle God (the Creator) is the one who do the miracles
and also for the first sight to just look funny how the preacher "did take out" the demon from the hobo
plus i really like that pitoca circle with the hanging couple
super piroca sigma casper skibidi mr beast pomni circus curitiba são paulo santos praia mulheres futebol samba
k2jg2j super piroca k2jkglk
@TheMiamiDeSantos eu tenho medo de chegar em policial muié, vai me bater
why does pitoca have cow udders on her circle and her fish form?
wait, gelly ann’s name is “cringe”???
no, it's not, there is a gen z brazilian slang "geleiando" that sounds a bit like "Gileianne" (Gelly Ann's brazilian dub name), the closest american slang i could find to "geleiando" was "cringe"
regarding michael in the new episode, is he a rapist? he was very upset when he heard about rape cases in the radio and he looked very suspicious.
yeah, he was