I need to get better at assuring my own fans that I haven't disappeared and stopped working just because making assets for my own cartoons also takes a long time and a lot of focus. Right now I'm just making models and textures for 3 cartoons throughout the summer. I don't want to do any animation or rendering until it starts to get cold again because those require my laptop to run at full power, plugged in, and the laptop makes my room hotter than it already is running at full power.
On the flipside, rendering on my laptop is a nice way to heat up my room when it gets cold! Who needs heating...if you live in a area like mine with very mild winters?
Also, here, some free propaganda to put on the background as graffiti or poster or something--do you still remember Jeffrey Epstein? Put something like "Jeffrey Thrash did not kill himself," since I apparently share the first name with some of the worst people on Earth!
Or just "jthrash likes big butts, he cannot lie," whatever you think is funnier. After seeing my name in the credits as one of the supporters of Monkey Wrench Episode 3, I've had my fill of being praised in an Internet cartoon, now it would be funny if EOFS subtly mocked me in some way!
feels like something from a video game.
also that third pic is every eofs fan
TheMiamiDeSantos (Updated )
lol now i did lmao, thanks, grand theft auto video game series is one of my main inspirations. Fun fact about the eofs is that at first the target audience i had in mind was mainly male right wings adults and teenages and metalheads, but eofs actual audience is anyone, there is right wing, left wing, adults and teenages, men, women, people into metal music, people into brazilian country music, etc, etc, it was a surprise for me and i really loved that