@TheMiamiDeSantos Well, don't worry about, it's perfectly fine to have different opinions. I just hope the "Amazing Digital Circus" fanbase doesn't become as insufferable as the fanbases for Steven Universe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Undertale, etc etc etc. Criticisms are CRUCIAL to bring the "weird" "Amazing Digital Circus" fans down a few pegs.
Considering how tame the western animation industry is now, I would simply assume the potentially-Satanic stuff is simply the writers being edgy, but not so edgy that their stuff would get banned on YouTube, as well. Plus that Churches in the US and Australia aren't exactly doing a good job at all at inspiring younger generations to become religious, so making fun of hypocritical Christians and Catholics is a quick and easy way to make teenagers laugh. Like, I've recently learned that the news website Politico is run by a CEO who has asked staff to pray for Trump's re-election back in 2020--how am I supposed to believe I'm more likely to go to Heaven by going to Church when influential religious leaders in America are literally idolizing politicians (as opposed to Jesus) and asking God to pick sides in elections and American football games?
Interesting take. The purple bunny man (Jax was his name) is literally just Bugs Bunny for Gen Z, and seems to deservedly be the most popular character in the show by miles (sorry, kilometers for people outside of the United States).
I'm pretty sure the potential Satanic references were 100% intentional, based on what I've read in interviews from the director, Gooseworx (https://www.cartoonbrew.com/interviews/the-amazing-digital-circus-creator-gooseworx-on-developing-the-internets-hottest-animated-pilot-234217.html), plus based on her previous works on stuff like Little Runmo. She just likes making cute weakling characters suffer.
As for your little, ahem, "manchild" comment, in my defense companies like Disney have done such a poor job making live-action movies that aren't boring (and weirdly-preachy) af that I have actually developed a bias for everything animated, because at least the animated shows seem to require more passable writing to justify the expense of wrangling a huge team to get animated shows past pre-production. The reason this is on YouTube in the first place is because these "multinational corporations" have treated animation studios and fans of animation so poorly, going as far as to end Cartoon Network as we know it in Warner-Bros-Discovery's case, while also jacking up the price of streaming and removing (mostly animated) shows, so YouTube clearly seems the lesser of the two evils in this case, and you don't need to sell an arm and a leg just to afford the privilege to watch it. It's only fair that I develop a bit of a bias towards animation to offset Hollywood's bizarre bias towards surprisingly-childish live-action stories.
Finally, I also have doubts this series will last long despite achieving 33 million+ views ("3D is faster and cheaper than frame-by-frame 2D animation" my butt), but I have to correct you and say Spy x Family is actually getting a second season soon, so there might be better examples of overrated mainstream anime to bring up in this case.
yo, i was sure the satanic references were intentional, now the question is if they had a pact with satan and ting. Like imagine if i put nazi guns in eofs like luger p08, kar98k, mp40 to the main characters use some people who understand about guns and ww2 will think "maybe this guy is into nazi stuff", now if i had put jews and black people into bad situations then those people would be like "damn, this guy is a nazi". I see something similar in this show, if the satanic references would have been done by an indepedent artist with like 5 followers then i would be "just a kid", but the case here is a show supposed to be watched by kids and younger audiences and it's making a quick success even though it ain't even a great deal at all. Like the baphomet statue they put there in the usa, the baphomet and the kids near like "wooow"
Also, the bunny is cool, but come on, it's not half the bugs bunny lol bugs bunny was the shit one of my inspirations as a kid, he ain't even that cool, mostly of the characters are ugly with like random design there was one that look liked a bunch of random shit pilled up with random painting
Also, hehe, sorry if i offended you or something with the "manchild" part lol, i don't think you are one of these, like you work with animations so you gotta be a little tuned in into what going on the in the animation scene, like i did, well if i was not an animator i don't think i would be spending my time watching a kid cartoon like this, but still it's make sense to you watch these stuff