PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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The shading/highlights on the belly, tits & face aint legit.
Those blurry pixels on her body are way worse offenders than the hands or backgrounds.
If there is anything that ruins a piece of pixel-art, it is blurred or smoothed pixels.
And this AI-made bimbo is very clearly (like is typical with most pretty looking ladies) rotten on the inside.
Or just simply put, this aint no real pixel-art. At least not 100%, if the inside of the character is done with a soft-brush instead of big chinky pixels.
Like buying apple-juice in most supermarkets. Its mostly water, with a little bit of juice added in. But there is a bit of juice insided the watered-down product, so it can be legally sold as juice.

Seriously though, the whole picture looks estheaticly, pleasing sure. But my pixel-art-loving eyes just hurt when looking at her belly, inner-thighs, tiddies and ho-face.
And I usualy LOVE looking at those bodyparts! D:<

well, i'm not too much into pixel art, but like i said this one is one of the best i have ever seen, on the original post i found it on facebook it had a good approval rate too

Well, that tells the people on facebook don't know shit about pixel-art either..

It simply isnt actual pixel-art. Regardless of who or what made it.

Like a Chiptune song. If you just added a some bleepy bloopy electronic sounds to a regular track. You can't call it an 8-bit track. Only if all the sounds in the song are 8-bit, its an 8,-bit track, otherwise, just a chiptune. Doesn't matter how well it is recieved.

So what you posted here is just: 'Retro Style'.

Sorry buddy, but what you poasted objectively is not pixel-art.

yo, ok then

And sorry if I went all 'angry argument on the internet' on yer ass there.
But when it comes to pixel-art, blurred or smoothened pixels are simply unforgivable.

And I give absolutely zero point zero fractions of a fuck about whoever approves that kind of steaming garbage.

yo alright, that's fine. Also we live in society, it's not like you can just ignore what society is doing, well you can, but know that if society have a problem their problem may knock your door. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, maybe not next month, maybe not next year...

I find AI Art pretty cool to tinker around with. There’s people like “If you prompt AI Art then fuck you!!!”. I get what they are saying, it’s ok to share the AI art you prompted on like twitter or something, but claiming it as your own is messed up.

not pixel art

Nah man, u dun understan. If I would've been the boss of a big important pixel-art company. And an employee would hand me his work, with blurry pixels, when I expect good clean pixels to work with;
I would fire that lousy ass-hat on a stick, then make 3 generations of his family get sent to the work camps, and for good reason.

Because I know we live in a society. But if we start accepting filthy, mudded, unpure, disgracefull, third-class pixels into our good clean pixel-arts, then we live in a massive steaming pile of doggy doo instead!!!
And I'm the kind of guy, who likes to live in something a little better, than a steaming pile of dog-doo.

yo dude, like i said, it got a good approval rate on the facebook people, if many people are accepting then the corporations are selling lol basic capitalism. You understand about pixel arts and blurry pixels but you may not understand about for example extreme metal, if i show you a song by Repulsion and another by Genocide you probably won't know which one is a death/thrash metal and which one is a grindcore song

Still, AI cant make a finger properly and didn't have an inconsistent artstyle

mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations
mononational friendly buisnesses saving the prosperous nations

Oh dun worry bout that.
I've been educated on that trash long ago:

you see? People are different, and have different knowledge, you know about pixel art and i know about metal. Also hilarious video lol thanks for sharing, my friend, hails from brazil

Nah, has nutthin' to do with knowledge. Any untrained set of functioning eyes, can see there's something off when it comes to simple shapes and texture, when taking the time to actually take a closer look at it.

So that 'reception' is like having this football field, with an obvious massive patch of rubber/plastic grass in the middle, saying that its one of the greatest grass fields, because it doesn't look brown anywherre.
You don't need to know anything about football to know that's a buncha bullocks.

Hey From Holland matey! o/

the same i can say with you guys who don't know the differences of a heavy metal, a thrash metal, a death metal, black metal and a grindcore, a set of functioning ears can hear there are actually many differences

I'm pretty sure I could hear the differences in rythms, different sounds the same instruments can make, like strumming the guitars differently or hitting the drums in unconventional methods, and various vocal techniques.

Knowing wich one is wich genre though, is the part that takes some knowledge, because the naming conventions aren't that descriptive and obvious as a sub-genre like symphonic metal for example (wich explains in the name, there's a symphony backing the whole thing up).

What I could probably not yet do, is tell you what kind is more authentic if you put in some examples wich have like programmed drums in it or if the vocals have been slightly tempered with, post-recording.