PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

Exp Points:
10,138 / 10,670
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7.22 votes
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> 100,000
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You should ask about the requirements for submitting a pitch because if you made it on adult swim that’d be CRAZYYY

yeah that would be great indeed. I already sent then another mail, wish me luck

Damn. I hope one day your show makes it to Adult Swim.

Edit: Is “Miami De Santos” your IRL name? Not to be creepy, you can choose not to answer.

thanks! and no my name irl is "Henrique" (brazilian version of Heinrich)

You Have To First Get The Attention Of Networks To Pitch Your Shows If You Directly Send It To Just A Producer Or Associate It Useually Does Not Work

yeah i know, i have been trying to since 2020 and it never worked hehe. But there's a small chance, while i can't get in touch with someone important to them i will eventually keep trying with their smaller dogs

Since Rick & Morty is doomed with the end of relationship with Justin Roiland (thank god) Adult Swim has changed and for good, Aqua Teen Hunger Force has been revived for a new season and the fact that they are looking for you is a good sign, Miami!

yo thanks! I honestly was not even expecting they to actually reply my email, maybe i have some chance haha, i already sent them another email, wish me luck!

@TheMiamiDeSantos Of course, I wish to see something big from you

so you want to be: under paid, under appreciated, work under very strict deadlines, having to know that at any moment your show can get cancelled, having to overwork yourself to get to the deadlines as fast as possible, and knowing your show might not get any viewers so they just pull the plug on it? Sure, shoot your shot

hehe, well i surely don't, if it would be like that i prefer to still be a freelancer illustrator/animator like i'm now and keep EOFS as a sideproject. What i got in mind was they stream my series like they did with Harry Partridge Starbarians series https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/724905
so i could get some views and some people knowing about my series, i ain't even caring too much about money on this deed, i would make a deal with them

Granted the Justin Roliand thing may have been a factor, but this is standard. Look at the word "Unsolicited". Pay close attention to it. If you're gonna pitch a show to a major company. Simply sending the show to them doesn't work anymore. You need a lawyer and an agent to make sure they don't fuck you out of any entitlements you have every right to have regarding your show and you have to book a meeting with Adult Swim in advance. Should they accept, that's when you pitch your show.

yeah i know things ain't that simple, but i'm so used to get "no" that i try without even caring anymore. I just try it comes to my mind "yeah i'm gonna try", a receive a lot of no before receiving an yes.

@TheMiamiDeSantos the fact that they responded to you at all. Shows that they are interested in what you have to pitch. You already kind of have an in. Save your money, hire a lawyer and agent and try to book a meeting. I've seen one of your shorts. That stuff Adult Swim would accept. You just have to approach them the right way.

get that bag

I never heard of that thing before

me kinda too, it's not popular here in brazil, but after i knew another guy who does an animated series all by himself (Harry Partridge) had the opportunity to appear on adult swim i did try too

Any followup on this?

well, i did sent then another email, maybe they did read but didn't reply, i will give them a little more of time, they probably have a busy schedule and if they're going to take a look at an animated series with several episodes it will probably take some time, so i will give them some more time and post here if something happens