PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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So…the AI algorithm removed everything that makes your character fun and unique in favor of turning her into a generic anime school girl?

yeah, exactly. But many of the customers, comissions, illustrations jobs, arts for stores or institutions they all mostly want generic and cliche things, even my customers they see my stuff but still they just want normal, generic cliche things. no sharp fangs and teeth, no claws and long nails, no snake like long tongues.

@TheMiamiDeSantos That’s how it’s always been, long before AI. There’s also the fact that generic, cute things are faster and cheaper to draw and make 3D models of. Just whip up a quick picture of Hello Kitty or Pikachu to see what I mean, and again, that’s before you take AI art into account.

Good thing there are weirdos like me that actively look for the most creative and gross stuff imaginable because I’m tired of all the “safe” Disney and anime stuff. Hopefully the independent/indie animation scene becomes as hugely popular as the indie video game scene (with stuff like Super Meat Boy, Undertale/Deltarune and Freedom Planet), because it’s so much easier to take creative risks when your budget is less than $400 million and you don’t need to sell your soul to the Chinese or Russian government to make a profit (cough Mulan 2020 remake cough).

come to think of that i think even on entertainment people prefer generic things. I remember i watched about 150 episodes of sailor moon looking for interesting things to parody and ting. The main characters are something AI can do with no problem, obviously without the fangs, claws, etc nor the gross outs like ren & stimpy or similar cartoons. My sallows have their own emblems while the sailors have a circle with the same color of the uniform, i even cared on making the uniform a little different so they wouldn't look like japanese anime schoolgirls you would see on sailor moon, lucky star or azumanga daioh or other animes
i'm hoping the independent scene rises too, but it looks like people will still be caring for what the mainstream media put to them watch like a new spiderman movie where there is a gay peter parker or a new movie or game of something that already been famous like mario, hulk, sonic, burger king, etc

@TheMiamiDeSantos Well that’s the beauty of low-budget indie art—they don’t NEED to be as popular as Mario or Sonic or, um, gay Peter Parker, so long as the people who do check out the indie stuff absolutely love it. Like, Sonic-inspired indie games like Spark the Electric Jester or Freedom Planet will never make a dent in Sonic’s popularity even though they feel more “Sonic” than most official Sonic games at this point, but that’s okay because their budgets aren’t a bajillion dollars like Sonic Frontiers and both have probably made enough of a profit to make more games (assuming they didn’t just make them for fun and the money is just a lucky bonus).

As for the gay Peter Parker thing, as usual whether or not I watch it depends on if the characters actually talk like real people and aren’t defined solely by their sexuality, ethnicity or gender. Marvel (and Star Wars) seems to have forgotten how to write even believable white, straight male characters like Dr. Strange and the previous Peter Parker, so I’m not optimistic.

yeah i agree, i don't want to be popular as them mario, marvel, or volkswagen, for me eofs being popular as touhou or genshin impact would be already more than enough. And yeah i got nothing against the chracters being gay or something, i even try to sound like marilyn manson or alice cooper on my animations

AI art is good for background but not for characters


@TheMiamiDeSantos Is Brazil a very homophobic country or just “general homophobia”? (Meaning: Being gay isnt illegal but can get u mistreated)

a guy did a joke years ago "in brazil is getting illegal to not be gay". Brazil is a pretty free country on those things, even incest is legal here in brazil, people don't like it, but it's technically legal here. I think here people are more respectful to the homosexuals rather than north american and europeans. Also finding something like a neonazi or a skinhead here in brazil is hard i think i only met 1 neonazi here, while in countries like usa, denmark, norway are at least little easier, i found a mexican neonazi here at newgrounds sometime ago

@TheMiamiDeSantos Oh. I just hope you do not become a sellout one day.

pc gelly ann