wow the game is crazy, there's the cube and then the thing goes like 5 10 15 25 5282 1 82 12125 45 comes close to you and then you super fast vrrrrrrrrraaaaaum to the side and then fall, and then again the thing goes like 5 10 54 5 15 46 84 12 84 12 45 and i go the other side rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fall again, and then the cube red stopped and then the thing goes again 5 10 15 5 2 5 2 5 49 84 61 94 515 458 48 15 45 and i press the thing just a little and yet falls again and then the thing goes agasint the stopped cube 5 10 15 25 0 2 15 54 48 12145415155445 it gets closer but this time i let it hit the cube and the cube just ''ouch motherfucker" and then restarts again and the things goes like 5 10 15 14 2 8 2 8 161 6 6 56.544 i press something i fall again, very cool