hmm not bad
hmm not bad
Thank you!
black metal elizabeth bathory
Nah, her name is actually Elizabeth valentine.
yo boy, that's cool, a cover, fuck yeah, i did a cover of an animation some time ago, i think artists should be covering other artists stuff like musicians do, hails from brazil
I also liked the idea and wanted to try and interpret it myself. Yes, it's similar to the music, you're right :D
oh yeah that's crazily hot indeed
Haha thanks!, not as much as your angels tho ;D
haha, boa, ficou sinistro tbm
joinha, fuzil pareceno um fn fal sniper, a camuflagem da roupa do cara ficou parecendo a terra redonda, e a casa ali no fundo é sangue na parede da frente?
o fuzil é um hibrido de longo alcançe, tem a inspiração das zastavas e a fal, sim, eu tentei camuflagem nova :3
e não, não é sague, é tiro que bateu na frente da casa né pai
mim de papai
hm... ficou mt bonito, gostei
Vlw mano! Q bom q curtiu!
furry ?²²??²??ww²???
Pffff what? No... It's not Blastoise... Definitely not Blastoise (^▽^;)
PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22