nice colouring
nice colouring
cool, looks a bit like crossover/thrash metal stuff you would see on bands like hazy azure, spazztic blurr, excel, lawnmower deth
Never thought of these bands. I might would like to check them out.
blz manin pode pa, vo la da aquela força la na humildade dar aquela fortalecida naquele follow man, ta ligado pode pa vo la dar um apoio, mano, teus amigo é meus amigo tbm mano pode pa, tmj mlk bão
olha só manin, legal, escritor de historia, mano esse ai o mininino casper mano, esse ai é motorista de helicoptero mano, dirige helipotero helicopito la e pa mano, na contenção mano, na contenção, tmj mlkão
dirijo helicoptero pelado
very good
ó la mano ae sim, negona gostosa e pa, pernona grossa, ó la a bucetona do tamanho da buceta duma egua q n sei oq, as tetona boa ali com alerola pretinha, não essas zideia de zovo gigante e pau duro do tamanho de um trem, qm tem q fica de pau duro é eu veno uma nega linda dessa tmj mlkão é nois
cool, very cute. Little tip: put your social media links on your profile here on ng too
Well, i am already doing it
cute as always
cool, homie. Let me give you some tips: try to use some thinner lines on some parts, we use the thicker lines on key parts of the drawing in order to give some highlight on it or detach it, try to observe how other artists use the lines, specially on black and white drawings like you would see on manga for example. Anyway good job
Thx. Yeah appreciate the advice. I didn’t think about that . I need to make sure I know where my light source is before I ink. It’s a pain.
PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22