PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6

Age 25, brazilian dude


brazilian school


Joined on 5/5/22

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@BunkumBoy you really got him with that, watch as he cusses at you like a true chad he is

@SandLand if you are a minor like you say you are, which I highly doubt, but I'll humor you, then it's filthy rich that you're telling me to grow up and get a life, when your definition of growing up is lashing out on a person for the "crime" of eating meat, then trying to gain the high ground by not only claiming you were "obviously" joking. I lashed out on you because it looked like you were attacking one of my fans/friends and even barring that, what you said joke or no was not only unfunny, but the only credit I give you for it was that it's grossly accurate to extreme vegans I dealt with in the past. If you were joking, then you were too real on it.

As for my life I have a life outside this site and a lot of things to do between these arguements, but I'm not doing them now. So nice try thinking you live rent free in my head.

@CIEIRMusic I really love your reply's ngl
each and everyone of them makes you look more like a clown
this also shows how weak you are
idc if you have dealt with it in the past
this isn't acceptable
you spend most of your day arguing with minors, like bruh bro
first with Thisjoe
then you message my friend telling them to stop defending them
then you defend a pedophille
then argue with another minor
what a good life
if you really have a life outside of this then go live it lmao
stop trying to act like a hero, it's only making you look more like an asshole
just deal with it, pal
move on
but you can't, now can you?
you lost and yet you keep on pushing it
what a good and healthy life you have there, buddy

@Spooketh4evr Cieir should've gone to school more


Yo Mama so stupid, she thought "Free Tibet" meant she could get to buy them from China.

Yo Mama so Ugly, two paper bags were required for your conception. One for her and one for your dad incase hers fell off.

Yo Mama so fat her blood type is rocky road.

Really wanna play that with me?

@CIEIRMusic stop being such an asshole about this situation that YOU STARTED

@CIEIRMusic What does that even mean, pls explain

@BunkumBoy bud, he can't, he dropped out of school when he was 12

@SandLand first off, ThisJoe is a sociopath gets his kicks harassing and abusing autistic teens. At this point whether he's a minor or not no longer matters to me because he's a monster either way. That said up until you brought him up again I never once spoken to or about him for a long, because he wasn't worth fighting anymore as I was giving that monster more attention for engaging him. Second of all Jes isn't a pedo. He fucked up, that's it and I am done trying to argue on that one. It has no relevance whatsoever what you and I are arguing about. Third he fact you bring up shit I not only got over, but never waste my time on again, rather than sticking to the topic at hand shows you never had faith in your joke to begin with. I'm done. Have a nice life knowing that someone doesn't find you funny.

@CIEIRMusic I couldn't care less if you find me funny or not
and I brought them up to show your actions
like bro stop arguing with people
if you are, go to Twitter
you are very lucky that this happened here and not on Twitter
I have standards so I won't call you many names (unlike you)
stop trying to act like a hero bro
you aren't a good person if you keep arguing with minors and defending pedo's
so take my advice for once
don't start pointless things
admit you fricked up and move on
have a good rest of your day

@SandLand that reminds me. Joke or no you insinuated that Miami is a pedo with your little "I'm breaking up with you" comment. Miami's 23. That is of course if what you say is true about being a minor.

@CIEIRMusic again, a joke, I joke a lot about it
I joke about it with anybody nonmatter their age

@CIEIRMusic stop replying + you lost the argument + L + yo mom

@SandLand actually in this case it does matter. Even if you are joking, the mere joke of that one is not only dangerous, since you've basically implied a relationship between an adult and minor, you basically would have condemned him to a lot of assholes whether they take it serious or not to rag on Miami like he was the one that coerced you. If you two were in public and you said that in front of cops and bystanders they'd go after Miami. Would it be funny then?

@Asskick247 lmao, anyway lets just stop this bs (blatant shenanigan's)

@CIEIRMusic I thought you said you were done, are you a liar now?
also for the love of Christ learn to take a joke bruh
you are just implying "Don't make jokes"
@Asskick247 is right
stop arguing
admit that you lost, move on and live your "healthy" life
you aren't going anywhere with arguing about this stuff
stop making problems

@SandLand I was done, but when you kept constantly bringing up your age I thought it would be best to warn you and Miami that joke or no, THAT ONE is one of the ones you really have to worry about because you may as well have gotten Miami killed for your fuck up. Also you use twitter as your comeback? I got kicked off Twitter because on top of promoting my work and amongst most I got into fights with many pedos on there. MAPs NOMAPs Lolicons, Shotacons, and the like. Not to mention those who aren't even into it themselves, but believe those people should be part of LGBTQ+.

I don't defend Pedos. If I believe with 100% certainty that you are one then you'd be on my shit list for life and I would do everything in my power to expose you to as many people as possible. The scary part about them is they still have their accounts intact. It's why I find hard to believe Jes is one, because he doesn't fit the bill compared to these sick fucks.

But I ramble on. I'm not saying "Don't make Jokes." I am saying "Don't make mean spirited jokes barely anyone can tell because with text you don't know if one's joking or serious and it may get more than just your joke ruined."

@CIEIRMusic this whole thing just made me go
like damn bro, you really got me with this one
you legit go full circle
let it go
move on
stop being a dummy
the fact you got kicked off of Twitter isn't a surprise seeming that no one would want you there

stop trying to argue with me about jokes, you lost before evening starting it
again, go and live that "life" of your and stop trying to act like a hero
you legit defended a pedo 1 time tho- (Djgj)
you are wrong and there is 1 thing you can do and that is leaving it be
admit it and move on dummy
and of course I am a pedophille, I can clearly be it with I am a minor myself. make total sense

you get so mad over jokes

get real life

@SandLand never said you were one. For someone hung up on me not noticing your joke, you really don't know a hypothetical when you read one.

@CIEIRMusic I'm not the dude who goes full circle

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