evil black metal sound
evil heavy obscure sound there
also sorry for being a little inactive here at ng, i have been doing a lot of stuff
PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 24th, 2022
evil black metal sound
evil heavy obscure sound there
also sorry for being a little inactive here at ng, i have been doing a lot of stuff
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 16th, 2022
found this on facebook a little while ago, funny as shit
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 16th, 2022
very cool drawing, only innaccurate is the dude did a draw a m1911, .45acp is a restricted caliber here in brazil, i never saw a 45acp here, we have lots of 38spl, 9mm, 40sw, 380acp, dude should have done a 38spl, the caliber who drank the most of brazilian blood. Never saw a 357magnum either, saw a 44 magnum once and 2 desert eagles
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 15th, 2022
i was wandering around facebook then find this cool image, it's a seizure of a whole bootleg gun workshop in brazil.
here in brazil it is nearly impossible to (legally) have a gun, so many of the guns are old guns or homemade guns
i think gun control is getting worse here in brazil, we can see less of those bootleg and old guns and more of the normal good quality guns, like pistols, revolvers and assault rifles on the criminals' possession
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 11th, 2022
Hello, i was wandering around twitter then I saw the #EoSDay i saw it remembered of the acronym EOSD (Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil) by which along with GTA inspired me using the acronym EOFS (The Enchanted Ones from Santos).
Then I saw it is 20 years of Touhou 6 Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, released August 11, 2002, a cool coincidence august 11 it is my birthday also, I'm turning 23 today
Touhou is a huge inspiration for me, I try to reproduce some of it's features on my animated series like most of the characters being girls and originally i was going to play all the music of the cartoon like Zun did on the games, it was supposed to have doom/death/black metal music with me playing all the guitars, bass and drum programming, but i sucked at playing guitar and it was too much work to do simple music, so i did prefer to focus on the animation, voice acting, writing, production and use royalty free music.
Here is some Touhou references on the new EOFS full length ep:
The Patchouli Knowledge like pajamas
Stephanny's design is based on a mix of Cirno from Touhou 6 and Sara from Touhou 5, she is weak like them that's why she is quickly defeated with a 38spl shot
There was a "Genociokyo" reference on the Beach City ep, but this part was cut from the final version
I will be doing more touhou references on the future eps