PFP by: @CreamyLiquid764
My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Age 25, brazilian dude
brazilian school
Joined on 5/5/22
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 12th, 2023
posted this one on facebook yesterday and the brazilian dudes where like "hentai", "rafaela hentai"
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 11th, 2023
call me psychopath but i love guns and one of the things i'm proud of brazil is the criminal's homemade weapons
i mean, take a look at those stuff:
an automatic shotgun
gewehr m1888 converted to be a submachine gun
favela tec
there is no legal way to a civilian hang around with a weapon here and to legally have a weapon here is very hard, but the criminals have plenty
we brazilians are the best at kludge, i think i have the best kludge anime series made by one dude
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 11th, 2023
american and european kids, please don't be like that, keep your american and european values, like don't drop school, go to the college, say no to disarmament, don't let left wing governments too long on the power, please
some music
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 11th, 2023
"why don't you befriend your neighbors - the neighbours:"
all spanish speakers and countries that manages to be worse than brazil lol, every country in latin america speaks spanish but brazil
i have heard paraguay is starting to doing good, but i will search about it
beautiful music
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 7th, 2023
look how those bastards are using that damn ai:
that ai thing is turning into a monster, stop using those AIs, stop giving them money
found on the "schizophrenic order of the piss dawn" facebook group
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 5th, 2023
8 years using flash cs3 almost everyday and just today i learned how to use motion tween
all those years i have been doing the motion effect by manually making the keyframes one by one, but i realized i can make the zoom in effect with it (can't do it with stuff actually moving though)
(aint gonna show where i used it cuz no spoilers i rarely give eofs leaks)
every sunday i clean my house and blast loud metal music (if any american metalhead girl wants a housekeeper brazilian husband then that's your day)
some of the music i have blasted today:
gelly ann's voice is my trying to sound like this guy:
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - August 3rd, 2023
i'm not too much into beer though, i prefer stuff like cognak, whisky, brazilian alcoholic drinks and ting
and i'm not into that freemason pagan liberty statue thing begone satan
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - July 28th, 2023
this one reminds me of my first days here on earth (1999-2000)
random scenes of the anime with a stupid bitch dancing on chroma key, that's exactly how i wanted eofs opening to be, random scenes of eofs with me dancing chroma key dressed something like papa emeritus iii, white makeup, gloves and everything
Posted by TheMiamiDeSantos - July 27th, 2023
lmao hilarious, brazilian barbie, brazilian ken, pink vw beetle, some funny animations, a part around the 2:30 where the fps drops like 10 fps lol
this thing is from 2005 i was a kid, nostalgia